Analysis of Binance Coin (BNB) today, 3 September 2024
BNB analysis shows that buyers are strongly defending the $460-$495 support.
According to Cointelegraph, the price of BNB
It has fluctuated in a wide range of $460 to $635 in the past few weeks. This issue indicates buying pressure in price floors and selling pressure in rallies.
BNB declined on September 1 after hitting its moving averages and found support at $495. This suggests that buyers are strongly defending the $460-$495 support range.
On the upside, the moving averages are important resistances that BNB needs to break through to attract more buyers. A close of the BNB candle above the 50-day simple moving average (red wave, $549) could help it grow. BNB’s analysis shows that in this case the said altcoin will move towards the targets of $600 and $635.
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