“Decameron” Netflix series; A modern adaptation of a 650-year-old story
Your day Netflix's “Decameron” series is a modern adaptation of a 650-year-old story that has attracted the attention of audiences with understandable characters and humorous situations.
Narrated against the backdrop of the Black Plague of the Middle Ages, this TV series portrays a fascinating and buzzing story with modern language and contemporary music, which is very tangible and relevant for today's audience despite the time gap.
“Decameron”; A familiar narrative in a historical context
“Decameron” series is an adaptation of the collection of Italian short stories of the same name by Giovanni Boccaccio. This series tells the story of a group of nobles and their servants who take refuge in Visconte Leonardo's estate to escape the plague.
But when they arrive at the villa, chaos ensues as no one knows that Leonardo has already died of the plague.
By portraying selfishness and carelessness towards the crisis of the characters, this series has a humorous critique on class privileges. The characters of the series, despite the danger of death, are still involved in superficial and sensual issues, and this contrast creates attractive comedic situations.
Relation to recent pandemic experience
One of the reasons for the success of Decameron is its indirect connection with the recent global experience of the Corona epidemic. The audience who had the experience of quarantine and sheltering in remote areas can identify with the characters of the series. This series allows the audience to laugh at a similar situation they have experienced in a fun way and without psychological pressure.
Intrigue and self-deception at the center of the story
The Decameron is full of characters who are all deceiving each other or themselves in some way. From Pampina covering up Visconte's death to Panfilo and Nephile keeping their true desires a secret, each character has a secret they are trying to hide. These hidden layers of characters add to the complexity and charm of the story.
Modern language and music in a historical context
One of the prominent features of “Decameron” is the use of contemporary language and music in the narrative of the 14th century. This clever juxtaposition makes the series more understandable and appealing to today's audience, while also maintaining the historical atmosphere of the story.
Decameron viewing experience
Netflix's “Decameron” series recreates a 650-year-old story in an attractive and relevant way for today's audience with a clever combination of humor, social criticism and historical narrative. With the help of comedy situations and complex characterizations, this series, in addition to entertainment, provides a cathartic experience for the audience who had the experience of living during the Corona epidemic.