Non-negotiable movie review Netflix's Mexican action comedy!
Non Negotiable tries to deliver an interesting Mexican action comedy, but ultimately fails to strike a good balance.
Non Negotiable follows the story of Ellen Binder, a professional hostage negotiator, who is faced with the most important case of her career when the president and his wife are kidnapped and the hostage-taker is only willing to negotiate with her. In this film, we are on the side of a Mexican action comedy that tries to find a place for non-English speaking Netflix audiences while being attractive, entertaining and relatively different. But how successful is it?
Netflix has been investing a lot in non-English speaking works in recent years and it can be seen as a positive thing to see more different works. But these efforts are not always going to be successful, and the non-negotiable movie tells us precisely that an idea is not always going to work. This Mexican film tries to present an action and exciting comedy to the audience and make them have fun. Therefore, even though we have an interesting story, but a bit clichéd, in the rest of the story, it is more of an excuse to move the story forward.
From the very beginning, the film wants to advance its work by using different tones, and in terms of narrative, we don't see anything special, and everything moves forward from a completely predictable part of the film. The notable thing is that the film doesn't want to waste time in the little time it has, which is a positive thing, but the same thing makes the film's characterization to be reduced to a great extent and the film's story becomes more clichéd.
The movie Non Negotiable cannot create a good balance between its action, comedy and thriller parts
Although the theme and overall story is nothing new, the film at least presents a relatively more interesting work at the beginning, but then it follows a process full of clichés and predictability, which makes it largely disappointing from the middle to the end of the film. Let's wait for the end of the movie. Also, these repetitions and clichés make the film become a work that we only watch once and even though we can have fun watching it, it is ultimately a completely forgettable work.
This is actually a problem that many movies have today, especially action comedies, and it is rare to watch a movie that we really want to watch again from the beginning. In fact, the main problem is here, although the film tries to show human characters, but the flaw in the execution of the characterization and the lack of proper attention to the story and its development make the viewer move away from the story and characters of the film and watch the action scenes of the film more. to pay
The main problem here is that the film initially introduces an attractive character whose relationship and conflict with his wife becomes the positive point of the film, but this trend is not going to be sustainable and this issue will change from somewhere. This change ultimately just makes the movie more entertaining, but how does the movie fare in its other parts. It can be said that the film has performed well in each section independently and no section has a significant advantage over the other section.
But in such movies, there is always an important balance, and Non Negotiable movie many times cannot create a good balance between action and comedy scenes, and this issue has hurt the movie to some extent. The bottom line is that each segment is ultimately not meant to have great depth, but in many scenes we see the comedic scenes spoiling the action scenes of the film, and this is a general weakness in the film's progression.
This is a general problem in many action comedies today, and in fact, the feeling of an exciting action scene is destroyed by too many jokes and not so funny. Part of the problem can be from the writing or even the direction of the film, but it is not clear why the producer always tries to put these scenes in different scenes of the film, no matter how hard he tried, and it hurts the overall result and his work.
Although the film has some interesting comedy scenes, especially at the beginning of the film and the main character's relationship with his wife, gradually the level of the comedy scenes in the film drops a lot and even affects other parts of the film. Even the action scenes of the movie are not deep enough to cover these problems and in general the action scenes of the movie could be much better than the overall result and finally the movie cannot achieve what we expect.
The movie Non Negotiable is a work that can easily entertain the viewer for less than 90 minutes, but in the end it is a forgettable and disposable work.
In the end, all these things are sacrificed to make the film more entertaining, and the makers could have taken more risks than just looking for a safe conclusion at the end of the film. But the positive thing about the movie is the good performance of the actors and they have made the movie a much better work. In general, although the characters lose a lot in their characterization almost halfway through, the actors have made a good effort to make these problems less visible.
They cope well with their roles and try to provide more human characters to the viewers. In fact, the overall goal of the film is to present such characters so that the viewer can communicate more with the characters. In the end, they help the film present an entertaining package to the viewer, but in the end, the actors can't make the film establish a proper balance in its different tones, and this is a bit annoying throughout the film.
In the end, the movie Non Negotiable has some problems, but it is a relatively fun and interesting action comedy movie that can actually be enjoyed for less than 90 minutes. Although the film has a promising start, it gradually declines and unfortunately the filmmakers cannot create a good balance between the comedy and action scenes of the film. Anyway, this movie is an entertaining work, but in the end it is a completely forgettable movie that we are unlikely to go back to after it ends.
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