Middle East News

Qassam: Netanyahu insists on returning the prisoners in coffins

Eviralnews,, Abu Obeidah, the spokesman of the Qassam Brigades, referring to the crimes of the Israels in Gaza, said: Only Netanyahu and the army of the Israeli occupation regime are fully responsible for the killing of Israeli prisoners due to the deliberate failure of the prisoner exchange agreement for their personal and worthless purposes. In addition to the fact that dozens of other prisoners were killed by direct aerial bombardments.

Abu Obeidah continued: We are clearly telling everyone that after the Nusirat incident, a new instruction was issued for the Mujahideen responsible for protecting the enemy prisoners regarding the way to interact with the prisoners if the Israeli occupying army forces approach their place of detention.

The spokesman of the Qassam Brigades added: Netanyahu's insistence on the release of prisoners through military pressure instead of signing the prisoner exchange agreement means that they return to their families in coffins and their families have to decide whether to hand them over dead or alive.

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Mhd Narayan

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