Review of the game That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime ISEKAI Chronicles
When I went to the game based on the anime That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime, I was first drawn to its long name. In the end, I realized that the most interesting thing about this ordinary work is that it has a long name.
The video game industry has faced key challenges in the field of design in various periods of time. Many games fail to build intelligent missions and create varied structures in them. That's why if the game doesn't manage to fully engage the audience with it, they will probably say that all the stages are related to activities such as “go from here to there”, “eliminate a certain person” and “listen to the words of character A”. are summarized
But after years of playing, you and I can recognize when the developer has not succeeded in creating the desired variety in the game and when the game deliberately abuses the repetitions to make it longer. The products of the second category are uncomfortable works; Disturbing in the sense that they scream in our ears that they are made only and only to make some money. That's it.
Of course, all kinds of game makers think about proper sales, compensating the production budget and profitability of the game. But “producing a game and hoping for financial success” has many profound differences with “producing a game only for financial success”. This difference is more visible when we put an original and rich game next to an average game that is made from relatively famous works.
The work of making a game in the world of a well-known collection for the purpose of earning more money can be done in different ways. For example, some game makers can turn their adapted game into a familiar experience with feedback formulas by following a good video game. But if the production team does not have a deep understanding of the top games of the day and just wants to send an interactive product with the name of a collection to the market, the result can be annoying.
Unfortunately, That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime ISEKAI Chronicles is one of these games; A game devoid of creativity that only wants to increase the profitability of this story series by considering the story world of anime and manga Tensei Shitara slime Datta Ken. We understand this when we look at the overall structure of its gameplay; A structure that seems to have been formed by blindly gluing several common systems together.
The systems that make up a video game must fit together like the parts of a watch; So that the player is constantly involved in the progress of the game in different ways. When this doesn't happen, the value of the video game interaction can be reduced to the level of “pressing a handful of buttons”. The game actually gives you limited control. Just do exactly what it says at every moment. Sometimes you have to fight by pressing a few buttons and sometimes you start building by pressing a few buttons; Without your mind getting involved in an integrated gameplay in which each gameplay system serves the other.
In a work like That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime ISEKAI Chronicles, the systems are so shallow and separated from each other that even the use of points in the skill tree must be constantly reminded by the game. Because the battles are not so engaging and attractive that the gamer will automatically try harder to get more skills.
Are there any positive points to be found in the fighting stages of the game? why One of the few positives of That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime ISEKAI Chronicles is that it uses different characters properly in battles. With the increase in the number of enemies in the battles that you go to not with one character but with several characters, you have no choice but to use the various abilities of the characters in your group. The difference in the abilities of the characters makes you get to know them and at least when facing the main or final enemy of each stage, you can take advantage of each character's abilities in a calculated way.
In many stages it feels like you're going through a repetitive path and fighting repetitive enemies
Unfortunately, this acceptable variety does not have stages and enemies anywhere in its design. This product is officially built on repetition. In many stages it feels like you're going through a repetitive path and fighting repetitive enemies; To the extent that you feel like you have done the exact same thing a few minutes ago.
We are talking about a video game whose main stages are combat-oriented and side-scrolling; This means that for more than half a minute of the game, you simply move left or right to reach the enemies and defeat them. Now what if these same environments are frequent and you see repeated enemies in them? What if even some of the enemies, for example different, are actually the same enemies as before with a different color? We are faced with an uncomfortable product.
Perhaps the most exciting element of the game during the fights is the short animation (more precisely the anime) playing to show the special attacks of each character. Because when the anime illustration comes and takes the place of the extremely simple visual effect of the game, at least you can enjoy looking at it.
In general, there are good anime sequences in the game, and their illustration, soundtrack, and dialogue writing are interesting; Especially for the audience who is interested in the atmosphere of Iskai's stories. These types of stories, which depict a person entering a new and different life, usually offer a certain kind of exaggerated fantasy that attracts many.
On the other hand, it seems highly ironic that one of the main strengths of a game based on an anime is its anime sequences. Naturally, most people who enjoy sequences and dialogues would probably prefer watching episodes of anime or reading different issues of manga and light novels rather than spending time on a game based on them.
The story becomes more ironic when we understand that That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime ISEKAI Chronicles doesn't really have the ability to communicate properly with the new audience. While some of the general plot points of Satoru Mikami/Rimuro Tempest and his new life as a Slime have been discussed in the video game, we've always seen the game count on your familiarity with the series. The game sometimes only refers to the relationship between the characters; Without the slightest attempt to show serious and proper formation of this relationship.
Even the good dialogue writings of the game, which convey some of the concepts in the original works to the audience, at best have the ability to tickle him towards reading manga or watching anime; Not that they can build the foundation of a story by themselves. If a person who is unfamiliar with the series goes to experience this game, he will be confused and will not feel anything about many parts of the story.
As a result, as the creators have said, the main target audience of the game are people who like anime and now want to experience parts of their favorite story in a different way. If the gameplay was so great and engaging that it made them excited for the interactive experience of repetitive sequences, we would accept that the developer studio and publishing company did their job. But while the audience is supposed to be a person familiar with the series, the game itself is at best a second-hand copy of the story series That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime. This is where we are forced to ask a scary question: who exactly was this game made for?
Although the $50 price tag for That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime ISEKAI Chronicles does not match the quality of its content at all, I would not include the game's price tag as one of the main negatives. Because it is possible that doing such a thing would create the wrong impression that lowering the price of the game with discounts could have lessened some of its flaws; While the product in question, even if it was offered for free, for me, it was a video game that could not be recommended to most gamers.
Such games, which are only looking for low-level exploitation of the name of a series, will soon fade from the memory of gamers. They don't even have a place in their own collection; What about the game industry.
The game access code was provided to Zoomji by the publisher.
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