The secret of attracting a husband with this female policy that you did not know!
Attracting a spouse: Most young couples marry each other with special love and interest and experience the exciting feeling of love at the beginning of marriage, but this feeling does not last forever and fades over time. In such cases, spouses think of showing their interest to their partner through material methods and buying expensive gifts and establish a sincere relationship with him, not knowing that the ways to attract a spouse are rooted in individual behaviors and without spending anything. A fee is possible. In the continuation of this family and marital article, you will get to know the methods of increasing intimacy and attracting a spouse without spending money.
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Increasing intimacy and attracting a spouse
1. What is intimacy?
Intimacy is the feeling of closeness, comfort and sharing in another's private world, and people who are intimate with each other speak their hearts without being ashamed of each other and do not control each other, and a romantic, friendly and Enjoyable together.
Intimacy is a need that is established in marriage and can be seen in the relationship between spouses, which consists of 8 parts, which are: “Sincere cooperation of couples together; commitment and commitment of couples to each other and their life together; their satisfaction with sex; feeling of independence of husband and wife to communicate with family and friends; The self-confidence and self-esteem of husband and wife, the extent to which couples can express their opinions and attitudes, resolve their differences, and express their feelings and emotions to each other.
2. It is important to create intimacy before attracting a spouse
Do you know what is the benefit of creating intimacy between couples? Creating intimacy between couples strengthens their relationships and makes them more committed and loyal to each other. Intimacy between couples causes them to be satisfied with their life together and to continue their love and life, and it causes less annoyances between them, and if these annoyances occur, they can be resolved in the best possible way.
3. Creating intimacy and attracting a spouse in a joint life
As we said, the intimacy between couples is of special importance and it keeps their married life going, but maybe some couples don't know how to create intimacy in their life together. In the rest of the article, we will introduce you to the ways of creating intimacy and attracting a spouse in a joint life, so that by learning them, you can fill your homes with peace and tranquility.
4. Communicate effectively with your spouse
Attracting a spouse, if you can communicate effectively with your spouse and pay attention to his needs and meet them, you can create intimacy in your life together.
In order to create intimacy in your life together, it is necessary to listen to your spouse's words and do not blame him when problems arise and do not become defensive against his words.
5. Talk to your wife
Talk to your wife and share your thoughts, feelings, needs and desires clearly and clearly with her so that she can get to know you more and establish a sincere relationship and try to satisfy and fulfill your needs.
Therefore, talk about what made you happy or sad, and the impressions you had of other events and words, and never take the initiative to introduce yourself to your wife, because in this case, your wife will have to act based on her own guesses and predictions. It may not be real.
6. Getting to know your spouse and meeting his needs
Don't expect your wife to talk to you about all her feelings and needs because it is difficult for some people to say some things and maybe some people don't know anything about their feelings and needs, so you have to do the work yourself and get to know your wife. Get it and try to meet his needs.
7. Giving importance to the wife
One of the big steps to achieve intimacy in married life is to show your spouse that he is important to you and even the first priority in your life. To achieve this goal, praise your wife in front of others and in family gatherings, support her, thank her for her efforts, and listen to her words and criticisms.
8. Creating a romantic space for two to attract a spouse
Attracting a spouse, trying to create a private space with your spouse is another thing that can increase intimacy. If you have a child, sometimes leave your child to your parents and be alone with your spouse, or stop being with friends and devote your time only to your spouse. You can create a romantic atmosphere for you and your spouse by participating in household tasks such as cooking, repairing household items and cleaning, or going out, having fun and traveling.
9. Reviewing your memories together to attract a wife
Reviewing the sweet and heartwarming memories of the beginning of dating and marriage, going to memorable places, looking at photos from the time of dating and doing surprising and romantic things all help to increase the intimacy between you and your spouse.
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