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10 spectacular and impressive films about the atomic bomb for those who enjoyed the film “Oppenheimer”.

A film similar to Oppenheimer, a film about the atomic bomb

Your day Oppenheimer's film, as one of the most newsworthy and best films released in recent years, has peaked the interest in the history of the atomic bomb. Christopher Nolan's biographical drama tells the story of J. Robert Oppenheimer (played by Cillian Murphy) follows the Manhattan Project, the US military's initiative to build the atomic bomb that was to be used to end World War II. Focusing on the events directly experienced by Oppenheimer, the film paints a complex and fascinating portrait of the man, telling of the enormity of his achievements, while only briefly hinting at the dire consequences that would follow.

A film similar to Oppenheimer, a film about the atomic bomb

The final tally of the number of people who died as a result of the “Fat Man” and “Little Boy” atomic bombs is still uncertain, but the estimated death toll is between 110,000 and 210,000. The consequences of this atomic attack on Japan are well documented in the world, but many viewers have watched Oppenheimer's film only to see a different American version of the story of the first atomic bomb and its use in Japan in the last days. What is World War II like? From 1950s dramas to animated masterpieces, these 10 films about the atomic bomb and its aftermath are must-sees for those who enjoyed Oppenheimer's films.

10- Rhapsody in August (1991).

Director: Akira Kurosawa

A film similar to Oppenheimer, a film about the atomic bomb

Akira Kurosawa is clearly a remarkable and admired name in the field of Japanese and world cinema, recognized as one of the best and most influential filmmakers of all time. While not as well-received as some of his other films, Rhapsody in August is still a must-watch experience for Kurosawa fans, especially those familiar with the long-term and personal impact of the atomic bombings on ordinary Japanese people. are interested

Set in the early 90s, the film focuses on the life of Kane (Sachiko Murasi), an elderly woman who lost her husband and several siblings in the atomic bombing of Nagasaki, and is visited by her children and grandchildren. they are going. When he learns that his brother is dying in Hawaii, he prepares to visit him with the help of his nephew Clark (Richard Geyer). Rhapsody in August uses imagery and characters to effectively think about the impact of the atomic attack on three different generations of Japanese people. This film is also the penultimate film of Kurosawa's astonishing artistic career.

9- Day One (1989).

Director: Joseph Sargent

A film similar to Oppenheimer, a film about the atomic bomb

Like Oppenheimer's autobiographical trailer, the film Day 1 or Day 1 also had an inside look at the planning of the Manhattan Project, and this TV documentary drama tells the story of a Hungarian physicist named Leo Szilard (Michael Tucker). Beginning with Szilard's departure from Europe, the film chronicles his efforts alongside Albert Einstein (Peter Bortsky) to convince the US government to build an atomic bomb before the Nazis. However, when Germany is defeated, Szilard tries to prevent America from completing work on the bomb in order to prevent a nuclear arms race.

The first day offers an insightful look at the politics behind the scenes of this operation, including the scenarios that President Harry Truman (Richard Dysart) faced, an interesting look at one of the most complicated chapters in American history. The film won a special drama/comedy award at the Emmys and was praised for its scope and historical accuracy. Also, this film showed the bombing of Hiroshima and showed images of the devastation caused by it.

8- I Live in Fear (1955).

Director: Akira Kurosawa

A film similar to Oppenheimer, a film about the atomic bomb

A powerful drama about the paranoia surrounding the use of the atomic bomb that spread across Japan and the rest of the world, I Live in Fear explores what it means to be sane and rational in such a terrifying world. This film, which is told 9 years after the atomic bombing of Japan, is the story of a factory owner named Keichi Nakajima (Toshiro Mifune), who gradually becomes terrified of future nuclear attacks and tries to reluctantly move his family to Brazil. slow The Nakajima family, worried that their father will squander all their wealth, hope to declare him insane in order to protect their inheritance.

Kurosawa's black comedy is a bitter and eerie look at the trauma after World War II and the atomic bombing of Japan on the people of this country, which shows the psychological impact of the atomic bombing on society. When Keiichi's son-in-law Takao (Masao Shimizu) angrily informs him that nowhere on Earth is safe—because there are now enough nuclear weapons to wipe out all life on Earth—Kurosawa's film is as good as a universal fear. It also depicts the reality that ruled the entire world during the atomic era and the Cold War.

7- Barefoot Gen (1983).

Director: Mori Musaki

A film similar to Oppenheimer, a film about the atomic bomb

A semi-adaptation of Kiki Nagazaki's manga of the same name, Barefoot Genie takes a harrowing look at the victims of the Hiroshima bombing. This adult animation follows the story of a young boy who lives in this city and narrates the horror he faces both during the bomb blast and after the blast. While her father and two siblings burn in the fire, her pregnant mother survives but later gives birth to a baby girl who dies of malnutrition.

Barefoot Genie, despite being a PG-13 animated film, has been criticized for depicting a bombing scene, showing peeling skin, melting eyeballs, zombie-like bodies pierced with glass, and even dealing with People who died from radiation poisoning are famous. The emotional weight of this animated film has drawn comparisons to the famous anime Grave of the Fireflies, while it is also compared to the 1978 short film Pikadon as an unforgettable and nightmarish depiction of the horrors of war. which is narrated through the anime lens, have compared.

6- Empire of the Sun (1987).

A film similar to Oppenheimer, a film about the atomic bomb

Empire of the Sun is one of Steven Spielberg's lesser-known works, set during World War II and covering the journey of a British schoolboy who is left alone during the Japanese invasion of Shanghai in 1937. Is. Now held in a Western POW camp, he is cared for by a man named Bassey (John Malkovich), an American sailor who is also a prisoner. Late in the film, young Jimmy (Christian Bale) sees the distant flash of the Nagasaki atomic bombing.

There is an eerie beauty to this moment, as a traumatized Jamie interprets this radiance as the spirit of a camp prisoner and his recently departed friend who has ascended to heaven. He stares passionately at a light in the distance and the deadly colors in the sky. It is questionable whether or not the atomic explosion could have been seen from Shanghai, but the sequence creates an effective and powerful moment that is at once frightening, moving, and emotionally conflicting.

5- Black Rain (1989).

Director: Shuhei Imamura

A film similar to Oppenheimer, a film about the atomic bomb

This film should not be confused with a weak film of the same name by Ridley Scott, which was released in 1989, Black Rain by Shohei Imamura is a beautiful film with a precise narrative speed, which has been very successful with a black and white picture of the story. The film is about Yasuko (Yashiko Tanaka), who lives with her aunt, whose marriage seems impossible due to her exposure to nuclear radiation (black rain) in the atomic bombing five years ago. While she ends up marrying a veteran with post-traumatic stress disorder, Yasuko succumbs to radiation and cancer years later.

A harrowing look at the lives of hibakusha (the Japanese word for “bombed people” used to describe the survivors of the two atomic bombs), the film shockingly depicts the burned and disfigured bodies and the slow and painful death of the victims. Japanese shows these bombings. The film's focus on the social isolation of many survivors of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (in addition to their horrific physical problems) is as affecting as the opening minutes of the film, a narrative that puts the audience at the heart of the atomic attack on Hiroshima.

4- Labyrinth of Cinema (2019).

Director: Nobuhiko Obayashi

A film similar to Oppenheimer, a film about the atomic bomb

Labyrinth of Cinema, the latest film from experimental director Nobuhiko Obayashi, is three hours of surreal wonder that is as ambitious as it is stunning. As a small Japanese cinema screens its last film, three men and a small schoolgirl attend an all-night screening of war films to celebrate the end of the cinema in their own way. However, when they are transported into the space of the films they are watching, they find themselves in a desperate fight for survival.

While the film examines three important moments in Japan's military history, the sequence that places the four characters in Hiroshima on the brink of the atomic bombing is without a doubt the film's most compelling and impactful sequence. Using its unusual narrative to demonstrate the power of cinema while depicting the meaninglessness of war, Cinema Labyrinth is a hypnotic masterpiece of experimental filmmaking.

3- Children of Hiroshima (1952).

Director: Kanto Shindo

A film similar to Oppenheimer, a film about the atomic bomb

The film Children of Hiroshima was released less than a decade after Hiroshima was destroyed by the atomic bomb known as “Little Boy”. Opening with lingering images of the city's destruction, the film soon focuses on the narrative of Takako (Noboku Otowa), a young teacher who travels to Hiroshima to visit her family's graves and, with her former maid, Iwakichi (Osamu Takizawa), who is seriously injured, meets. He also visits the site of the kindergarten building where he used to teach and finds some of his former students and sees first hand the devastating consequences of the bombing.

Based on true stories, the film focuses on the hibakusha and how they are ostracized from society without job opportunities, a theme perfectly and accurately portrayed by Kanto Shindo, who tells the aftermath of the bomb from the people's point of view. It was portrayed as normal and wounded, it is handled admirably. The film has often been compared to Hiroshima released in 1953, a film that presented more horrific images of the effects of the atomic bombing of the city and was highly critical of the American and Japanese political leaders who caused the disaster. Both films, while accompanied by unpleasant viewing experiences, are worthwhile and enlightening to watch.

2- In This Corner of the World (2016).

Director: Sonao Katabuchi

A film similar to Oppenheimer, a film about the atomic bomb

Another harrowing and animated depiction of war based on a manga, In This Corner of the World was a brutal yet beautiful adaptation of Fumio Konoe's story. The story is about Suzu (Rena Noonen), a kind young artist who lives near Hiroshima during World War II and loses her hand in an air raid, which also kills her young niece. will be When Suzu's family is killed in the bombing of Hiroshima, she and her husband take care of an orphaned child and move to the city of Kori for a new life.

A harrowing yet personal and life-affirming story of survival during wartime, this anime film presents viewers with two images of an atomic blast, the second one being particularly shocking and frightening. In this corner of the world, thanks to its emotional and touching story and its beautiful hand-drawn animation, it was widely admired all over the world. This movie is known as one of the least watched anime movies in recent years.

1- Hiroshima Mon Amour (1959).

Director: Alain René

A film similar to Oppenheimer, a film about the atomic bomb

Hiroshima, my love, which is a joint production of Japanese and French cinema, is considered one of the defining pillars of the French new wave cinema, and at the same time, it is also considered the first feature film of Alain René, which happened to be a very impressive work. A romantic drama, the film tells the story of a French actor working on an anti-war film in Japan who develops a romantic relationship with a Japanese architect who lost his family to the atomic bomb. slow

The actress' own tragic past – in which she fell in love with a German soldier who was later killed, and was later shaved by her villagers for this love – is beautifully balanced against the inner pain of the Japanese architect. This film is a bitter and thought-provoking story about the international damage of World War II. Hiroshima My Love was widely acclaimed for Emmanuelle Riva's stunning performance and its innovative portrayal of the suffering millions affected by World War II.

Mhd Narayan

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