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5 worst movies in the history of cinema according to IMDb

IMDb has a list of the worst movies in the history of cinema, which it seems that many people have watched with pleasure and voted for their badness. Know the first 5 movies of this list so that you don't watch them by surprise.

According to Hamshahri Online: It is not only the best who have fans in the world of cinema; The worst and most ugly ones are not without customers either. Some of the worst ones are so popular that they have become cults and have a cult following. Bad movies either failed at the box office or failed artistically. Whatever the reason, some of cinema's worst are immortalized and etched in history. IMDb has a list of the worst movies in the history of cinema, which it seems that many people have watched with pleasure and voted for their badness. The 5 movies in this list are as follows:

bad movies in the history of cinema

1. Catastrophe (Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer, 2008)

A movie that has all kinds of cinematic clichés and irrelevant jokes in it, and watching it until the end is really difficult. The story is about the end of the world due to the problems created by humans with their actions in nature and some young people who want to stop the disaster. Whatever they do, these young women only make the movie worse and funnier.

bad movies in the history of cinema

2. Manus: The Hands of Fate (Harold P. Warren, 1966)

Bad horror movies are a genre unto themselves. Some horror movies are good because they are bad. Explaining how something is good from the extreme of bad takes some time and is out of place here. But you must have had the experience of enjoying something bad. This movie is also of the same genre. The confrontation of a family with a sect that sacrifices people has led to the emergence of one of the evils of cinema.

bad movies in the history of cinema

3. Bradmick: Shock and Awe (James Enguin, 2010)

Instead of being a tribute to Hitchcock's “Birds”, this film shakes the body of the master of suspense in the grave, it is bad enough and unbearable and unwatchable. A film whose special effects are not worth it, neither has a proper story nor a message to deliver. This bad movie has had two sequels and the fourth part may be made. Anyway, if no one saw this movie, no sequel would be made.

bad movies in the history of cinema

4. Superkids: Kid Geniuses 2 (Bob Clark, 2004)

A madman played by Jon Veit, who once starred in such masterpieces as “Midnight Cowboy”, “Deliverance” and “Predicament”, seeks to control people's minds, and some children want to stop him. Few films in the world of cinema have been so low and worthless and watching it until the end is so suffocating and impossible. This movie alone can be placed in an independent league of all the bad movies, and every moment of it can compete with the previous and the next moment in terms of the amount of bullshit.

bad movies in the history of cinema

5. Kirk Cameron Saves Christmas (Darren Doane, 2014)

The film has a complicated story about Christmas, family feuds and a focus on spirituality over materialism, but critics wrote the harshest reviews about it. A film that tries to remind everyone about the value of Christmas with a cold and depressing mood, but all it can do is make everyone pray that they will never see another movie this bad.

bad movies in the history of cinema

The worst director in history

IMDb relies on the votes of its users, who are generally young and have not seen many works of cinema history. But who is a moviegoer who does not know that the worst movie in the history of cinema is “Map 9 from Outer Space” by Ed Wood, which brought world fame to its director, of course, after his death. In a movie called “Ed Wood” starring Johnny Depp, Tim Burton told the story of this director who was in love with Arsen Welles, but made movies that were an amalgamation of horror and science fiction. Ed Wood is known by some critics as “the worst director in history”. On this occasion, he was awarded the Golden Turkey Award by two critics two years after his death, which played a significant role in his fame.

Mhd Narayan

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