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A look at the terrorist incident in Russia / What are the hypotheses?

Mehsa Mozhdehi: Russia went through one of the most bitter terrorist incidents on Friday night. More than 90 people, while attending a concert hall on the outskirts of Moscow, were shot by terrorists. At least four terrorists in military uniforms entered the Krokas hall and shot at the audience. At the same time, a fire was reported at the venue of the concert. Russian media reported that 6,200 tickets were sold for the “Piknik” concert in this hall. The Kremlin says it has arrested 11 people in connection with a terrorist attack in Moscow on the border with Ukraine. This is while Ukraine announced in the first moments of such an incident that it had no role in the terrorist attack. Instead, ISIS released a statement saying it was responsible for Friday's deadly terrorist attack.

Evidence shows that the attackers, in addition to having weapons, used flammable liquid to set fire to parts of the concert hall. The cause of death of 93 people was bullet injuries and poisoning with incendiary substances. Although a part of the roof of the Krokas Hall collapsed due to the fire, there have been no reports of people dying due to staying in the fire. It seems that the attackers used automatic weapons and left ammunition at the attack site. The head of the Russian security service said on Saturday morning that the four people who were directly involved in the attack are among the 11 people who have been arrested. According to the Russian media, one of the arrested terrorists admitted that he had orders from his commanders to kill all the people present in the concert hall. This terrorist came to Russia from Turkey on March 4.

Why is Crocas Hall important?

Krokas Hall is one of the relatively new buildings in Moscow. In 2009, this hall was established by Araz Agalarov, a real estate businessman and his singer son, to be a place with a very large space for holding various concerts or programs and festivals. Since then, many well-known figures have come and gone to Krokas Hall, one of them being Trump. In 2013, she organized the competition of worthy girls in the hall and said that Putin invited her for such an action. Of course, at that time, Putin did not officially go under the burden of such a scandal, and he himself did not participate in the ceremony. However, this issue was one of the reasons that later accused Putin of having a hand in the 2016 elections and the election of Trump as the President of the United States. In fact, the Azerbaijani businessman who is the builder of Krokas Hall and his son Amin are among Trump's pro-Pakistan supporters.

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Reactions to the terrorist attack in Moscow

Russian President Putin has not yet made a speech about the terrorist attack in Moscow. However, he wished recovery for the injured and at the same time issued an order to follow up the case. Chinese President Xi Jinping expressed his condolences to Russian President Vladimir Putin on the death of more than 90 people in this terrorist attack on Saturday morning. that “China opposes any form of terrorism, strongly condemns the terrorist attack and supports the efforts of the Russian government to maintain national security and stability.”

Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India, published a text on X social network on Saturday morning and called this incident a heinous terrorist attack and wrote: We strongly condemn the heinous terrorist attack in Moscow. In these hours of grief, India expresses its solidarity with the government and people of Russia.

The White House announced just hours after the terrorist attack that the United States had warned Moscow in early March about the possibility of terrorist attacks on large gatherings by extremist groups. Of course, the statement of the White House has angered the supporters of Russia.

David Cameron, the British Foreign Minister, published a text on the X social network and wrote: We offer our heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims and our deepest sympathies. Nothing can justify such terrible violence.

A look at the terrorist incident in Russia / what hypotheses are there?

The Chancellor of Germany, Olaf Schultz, also published a text on X social network on Saturday, calling this incident a terrible terrorist attack against innocent concertgoers in Moscow and condemned it.

In a statement, French President Emmanuel Macron strongly condemned this incident as a terrorist attack carried out by ISIS. A statement from the Elysee Palace said: France expresses its solidarity with the victims, their loved ones and all the people of Russia. In a statement on Friday night, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs called this attack abhorrent and said: “The images coming from Moscow tonight are terrible.” Our thoughts are with the victims and the injured of this incident, as well as all the people of Russia. No effort should be spared to find out the reason for this event.

In a statement, the European Union condemned this attack and announced: The European Union is shocked and horrified by the reports of the terrorist attack on the Krokas City theater in Moscow. The European Union condemns any attack on civilians. Our thoughts are with the survivors of this incident.

The Islamic Republic of Iran was one of the first countries to strongly condemn the terrorist attack in Moscow. In response to the terrorist act on Friday, the third of April in Moscow, Nasser Kanani, the spokesman of the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said that a joint and effective fight against terrorism requires serious and non-discriminatory action by the international community. Hossein Amirabdollahian, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic, wrote in Russian on the X social network on Friday night: “He strongly condemned the recent terrorist act in Moscow, while expressing his condolences to the families of the victims, to my colleague Sergey Lavrov, Govt. I offer my condolences to the Russian nation for this tragic incident. Also, Nasser Kanani, the spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, strongly condemned the terrorist attack on a commercial center in Moscow, which resulted in the death and injury of a large number of Russian citizens. While expressing his condolences to the government and the people of Russia, especially the families of the victims, Kanani said: The Islamic Republic of Iran sees itself on the side of Russia in this tragic incident.

What are the hypotheses?

The first hypothesis is that ISIS came into action and committed crimes in Moscow. This crime is similar to the 2014 ISIS attack on a concert in Paris that killed 100 people. This group itself has taken the blame in a statement. But the Russian government does not accept this. Rashatudi by Rasha Todi, in the widely published image of ISIS's statement about accepting responsibility for the terrorist attack on Russia, a news site was used that has not been used by this terrorist group for years. But international journalists and observers who monitor the behavior of ISIS say that Russia is wrong on this issue and this is the format that ISIS continues to use to announce its commitment to terrorist attacks around the world. In its statement, ISIS did not announce which branch of this terrorist group was involved in Friday's attack. But in recent years, branches of this group have not been seen to be active near Russia or inside this country.

A look at the terrorist incident in Russia / what hypotheses are there?

Anti-Western groups believe that the work is the work of the Americans. The publication of the US warning that it is better to observe the side of caution when holding concerts in Russia has made them suspicious of the whole affair and they believe that Friday's terrorist attack was carried out in cooperation with the US and the West, which is at war with Russia. Along with this hypothesis, the name of Ukraine is strongly mentioned. Ukraine is at war with Russia, and Putin's government prefers to point the finger of blame directly at Zelensky and Ukraine. The release of the news of the arrest of people related to terrorists on the border with Ukraine shows that the Kremlin probably wants to blame the whole thing on the Ukrainians and may even use this excuse to intensify its attacks on this country. This is in the situation that the war in Ukraine has entered a new phase with the announcement of the readiness of some European countries to send troops to this country.

But those who are fundamentally skeptical of Putin and the Kremlin believe that the Russian government was involved in the terrorist attack. Putin has just emerged victorious from the election, but the hypothesis of election fraud is serious, and he has recently been accused of murdering Alexei Navalny in prison. Navalny was the most serious and well-known opponent of Putin, who died a month ago. From that date onwards, Putin's opponents, especially those close to Navalny, have been dealt with more severely in Russia. that group of observers who are pessimistic about Putin; It is said that Friday's horrific incident could leave the Kremlin's hands free to further suppress Putin's opponents under the pretext of fighting terrorism. Putin's failure to appear in front of the cameras to speak to the terrified Russian public as they grapple with one of the country's worst terrorist attacks has left analysts pessimistic about the whole affair. It seems that although the Russian government has published the phrase “We are mourning” on billboards with the image of candles, these actions do not replace the serious and regrettable reaction of the Kremlin head.


Mhd Narayan

Bringing over 8 years of expertise in digital marketing, I serve as a news editor dedicated to delivering compelling and informative content. As a seasoned content creator, my goal is to produce engaging news articles that resonate with diverse audiences.

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