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Analyzing the location and the reasons for the Iraqi resistance attack on Tower 22 – Mehr news agency Iran and world's news

According to Mehr news agency, after three American soldiers were killed and at least 34 other soldiers were injured in a drone attack on the US Tower 22 base located in Jordan near the Syrian border, Reuters news agency in a detailed report about the location and He gave reasons for its importance.

The Central Command of the US terrorist forces in the region (CENTCOM) announced in a statement that the number of injured in this attack is expected to increase and eight US military personnel have been transferred from Jordan to more advanced medical centers due to the severity of their injuries.

US President Joe Biden, in a baseless claim and without providing any evidence or reason, claimed that this attack, which is the first deadly attack against American forces since the beginning of the Gaza war, was carried out by Iran-backed groups!

Meanwhile, the Iraqi Islamic Resistance took responsibility for the attack on the American forces in Jordan by issuing a statement.

Nasser Kanani, the spokesperson of the diplomatic service rejected Biden's claim and emphasized: the resistance groups in the region do not take orders from the Islamic Republic of Iran in their decisions and actions, and the Islamic Republic of Iran does not take orders from the resistance groups in their decisions on how to support the Palestinian nation or defend themselves and the people of their country. It does not interfere with any aggression and occupation.

The spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic also emphasized that “since the beginning of the current crisis in Gaza, Tehran has repeatedly warned about the danger of expanding the scope of the conflict in the region due to the continued attacks of the Zionist regime against the Palestinian people, as well as the comprehensive support of the United States for the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. He considered the continuous and repeated violation of the national sovereignty of Iraq and Syria by the American forces and the bombings and attacks against the groups and people of Iraq, Syria and Yemen to intensify this cycle of instability.

Also, in a conversation with an American media, Iran's representation in the United Nations emphasized that Iran had nothing to do with last night's attack by regional resistance forces against an American military base in Jordan.


Reuters wrote: an offensive drone hit the “Tower 22” border base. A region in Jordan that is strategically important and is located in the extreme northeast of this country and the crossing point of the border between Syria and Iraq.

The reason for the attack on Tower 22

This base, which is not well known to the public, houses 350 US Army and Air Force soldiers and has logistical support. Tower 22 is located near the American Al-Tanf base along the Syrian border.

Reuters claimed that al-Tanf base has played a key role in what it calls the fight against ISIS, and it is also considered part of the US strategy to “contain Iran's military reinforcement in eastern Syria.”

American forces in Jordan

The Jordanian army is one of the largest armies that receives financial and military aid from Washington. Amman is one of the few US allies in the region that conducts exercises with the country's army throughout the year.

Last night's attack on “Tower 22” has increased the level of tension in the Middle East, which already seems extremely serious and critical due to the Gaza war and the aggression of the Zionist regime.

Mhd Narayan

Bringing over 8 years of expertise in digital marketing, I serve as a news editor dedicated to delivering compelling and informative content. As a seasoned content creator, my goal is to produce engaging news articles that resonate with diverse audiences.

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