
Arrest of 11 suspects of the terrorist attack in Moscow/ Doubts about the authenticity of ISIS's statement

Detention of 11 suspects of the terrorist attack in Moscow. Doubts about the authenticity of ISIS statement

While the Kremlin announced the arrest of 11 suspects of a terrorist attack on a music hall in Moscow, Russian media expressed doubts about the authenticity of the statement attributed to ISIS about taking responsibility for the attack.

According to the political group of the Anna Science and Technology News Agency, while the Russian TASS news agency reported the arrest of two suspects of the terrorist attack on the Kurkas Music Hall in Moscow, the Kremlin announced that so far 11 people, including four terrorists who were directly involved in the attack, have been arrested. They played a role in the attack and have been arrested.

This news comes at a time when “RT” TV channel news site reported: A number of media announced that ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack on a concert hall in Moscow, but analysts noted that the statement attributed to ISIS was consistent with previous statements. This group is different and most likely fake.

This report by RT comes at a time when some news channels, including Bloomberg, published a message from “Dmitry Medvedev”, the vice chairman of the Russian National Security Council, in which it is written: ISIS's statement is fake and ISIS is not responsible for the terrorist incident in Moscow.

Russian local media reported the death toll of the terrorist attack in Moscow to 62 and the number of injured to 145.

Source: ANA

Mhd Narayan

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