
Biography of Siraj Qamari, a satirical poet of the sixth and seventh centuries

Siraj QamoriSiraj Qamori
Siraj Qamari is one of the Persian poets of the 6th and 7th centuries of the lunar calendar, who is considered by some to be from the people of Khwarazmi and others from the people of Golestan. About 200 quatrains and one poetry divan remain from Siraj Qamuri. In the continuation of this article from head cover The biography of Siraj Qamuri is discussed.

Summary of Siraj Qamori's biography

Full name: Sirajuddin Qumri Amoli

Famous: Siraj Qamori, Qamori Amoli

Period of life: 6th and 7th lunar centuries

Place of birth: Khorezm or Golestan

Profession: Persian-speaking poet

Works: Divan Poems of Siraj Qamori

Death: 625 lunar year

Image of Siraj QamuriBiography of Siraj Qamori

Biography of Siraj Qamuri

Sirajuddin Qumri Amoli is one of the poets of the middle of the 6th century and the beginning of the 7th century AH. He is known as Siraj Qamori or Qamori Amoli. Many attribute his origin to Khwarazm and some to Gorgan, but he is often considered to be from the people of Amol. He lived in the era of Emadi Shahriari and Kamal Ismail and praised Sultan Ghiyasuddin Malik Shah of Khwarazmi.

Some sources consider him to be one of the students of Imam Fakhr Radi and Master Khwaja Nasir al-Din Tusi.

Diwan Siraj Qamuri

Divan assigned to Siraj Qamuri has more than 13 thousand verses. He was a witty and witty singer. Diwan Siraj Amoli was published in 1368 with the efforts of Dr. Badullah Shokri, the basis of this Diwan is handwritten. Omar bin Muhammad Lalai Marozi wrote this work in Jumadi al-Awl of the year 716. The manuscript divan is now found in the Chesterby Library in Ireland.

Divan of Siraj Qamuri's poemsSiraj Qamuri's poetry collection

The poetic characteristics of Siraj Qamori

According to what Seyyed Ali Mirafazli (in the Quatrains of Khayyam and Persian Quatrains) states, Qamari's poems have moral and wisdom aspects and most of his fame is for jokes, satires and deviating from Sharia norms, which are excessive in worshiping wind and wind. has it.

Hamdollah Mostofi calls his poems “debauchery” and says that he is full of exaggeration in this type of poetry. Taghi Kashan expresses the same point in another language.

The works of Siraj Qamori

About 200 quatrains have been obtained from Siraj Qamuri, some of which belong to the Khumriyat category. The poems of this poet have odes, fragments and quatrains. He also has a record that is given in the form of Masnavi. Siraj Amoli also has a poem in praise of the famous Sufi of his time, Saifuddin Bakhrezi (died 629 AH) and in it he wishes to meet him.

Apart from Divan of Poems, Siraj Qamori has a book in prose, which is called Risalah Chang, and its subject is the happy and sad song of the harp. This is how the inner states and emotions of a person can be created with it. There is a copied version of this treatise in 745 AH, which is kept in the Tashkent Museum.

Tomb of Siraj Qamuri

Siraj Qamuri's tomb is known to be in Cherandab, Turkey, although the evidence shows that he was transferred to Cherandab and Al-Ozra tomb after his death.

The book left over from the works of Siraj QamuriCharacteristics of Siraj Qamuri's poems

Examples of Siraj Qamori's poems:

In the following, one of Siraj Qamori's odes is discussed:

The earthquake came close

Slowly separate the parts of the mountain from each other

Officially, it is about survival

Palace of survival from the gate of death

The opium of knowledge of the material is not separate

The saddle of five snakes and four dragons

As far as Adam, the desire is towards wheat

You could not get rid of this old Asia

When will you be on the throne? For the duration of life

Until you seek help from the air

The saddle of the bush full of malice and fainting

It is not good to be in the lead disaster of Kimia

The result of terra zenil flak is zinc yellow

You are beside me because of this, it is amber

In this tight door, the cage

Get rid of this scumbag

When are the dear ones pressed in this position?

When did the elders touch this place?

Naksh Jahan, what do you see?

Because the opponent's piece is a thief, that's enough cheating

Don't mix with people because of that

In the water with less mixing, there was more clarity

And when the water is out of the water

Where is the pearl, what happened to our name

Be a stranger, Zakhoish, because you will run away

This boundless sea cannot be known

Without us and without you, all horizons were safe

There was a lot of excitement and sedition from us and from you

If you die before death, death is easy

Death will find you alive, that's how Ana was

Until you, you and me, that's enough in the world

Let me be you, in the world, in the torments

Drunkenness is a pleasure, because it separates me from me

Otherwise, who will give wisdom to lack of wisdom?

The beginning of Siraj Qamuri's poetry collectionDiwan Siraj Qamuri's poems

compilation: Cover biographical section

Mhd Narayan

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