Middle East News

Enayati: Iranians are the most regular and disciplined pilgrims

According to the report of the Tasnim news agency, Independent Arab reported on his conversation with Alireza Enayati, the ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Saudi Arabia, and wrote that Enayati emphasized in this conversation that Iranian pilgrims have no approach or instruction to abuse the Hajj or perform any activity. There is no out-of-frame or disturbing peace of Hajj, and Iranian pilgrims are the most regular and disciplined pilgrims.

He added that pilgrims are always advised to seize the opportunity to pray and read the Qur'an during the Hajj season.

Enayati added that in Iran, health, cultural, administrative and religious training courses are held to get familiar with Hajj and its rituals and spiritual spaces, and about 90 thousand Iranians have spent spiritual days and nights in the land of revelation and so far have been able to practice their deeds in Makkah Mukarmah and Madinah Munurah can be done easily and in a reassuring atmosphere.

The Iranian ambassador in Riyadh added that we are witnessing the excellent organization of Iranian pilgrims by the Iranian Hajj delegation, and the relevant parties in Saudi Arabia have made commendable efforts to facilitate the affairs of pilgrims.

He added that Iran's authorities believe that Hajj is a manifestation of unity and bringing Muslims closer to each other and a great opportunity to get close to God and think about issues that are important to Muslims.

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Mhd Narayan

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