Europe News

Europe has not taken Moscow's danger seriously/Berlin is in the crosshairs of Russian missiles – Mehr news agency Iran and world's news

According to Mehr news agency, quoted by Kyiv Independent, Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski in an interview with German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung stated that Germany is in the crosshairs of Russian missiles stationed in the Kaliningrad region and claimed that Europe threatens Russia as much as Not taken seriously enough.

These Sikorsky warnings were the latest in a series of warnings from Western officials about the danger of a possible war with Russia.

German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius announced last week that the country should prepare for a military conflict with Russia. The German Defense Minister said in an interview with the ZDF TV channel: “Berlin should recognize the danger of a military conflict with Russia.” Therefore, Germany needs to arm itself.”

He added: We must consider this possibility. And when we count something, we must prepare ourselves for the danger that is unknown, whether that danger will happen or not. We need to arm ourselves for this eventuality – which is exactly what we are doing now, along with our NATO allies. And this is necessary.”

Pistorius further said that for this purpose, a German military brigade should be present in the Baltic region, which, according to him, will be fully ready for combat by 2027.

He also said: Military experts count on a period of several years for Russia to do this (start hostilities). These are estimates and estimates – no one knows for sure. And this time is the next three to five years – we must actively use it to arm ourselves.”

Mhd Narayan

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