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Most Americans believe that Trump and Biden are too old – Mehr News Agency Iran and world's news

According to the Mehr news agency, citing Rashatoudi, a new poll by ABC News and Institute think tank Ipsos It shows that 86% of Americans believe that the atmosphere Biden, President America is too old for a second term.

By Rashatudi Biden The oldest is 81 years old President has been a candidate for the American elections so far, and Donald Trump President His former and possible rival from the Republican Party in the 2024 elections is 77 years old.

59% of the participants in this survey also believe that in addition to BidenTrump is also for to become candidate Bye Presidential elections are old in this country.

The survey was conducted two days after Robert Hoorthe special investigator, his report on the way of treatment Biden He published classified documents in which he described the president as a well-intentioned old man with a weak memory.

Most Americans believe that Trump and Biden are too old

Also, the results of the recent survey by “Financial Times” and “Stephan head» at Michigan State University shows that a third of Americans believe that economic policies Biden It has caused a lot of damage to the economy of this country.

According to the results of this survey, Americans are more interested in the economic policies of the former president of this country, Donald Trump, than in the climate policies. Biden they believe.

The Financial Times reported that the poll found that only 31 percent of Americans believe that economic measures Biden It has benefited this country.

The results of this survey showed that almost half of the respondents (49%) stated that their financial conditions during the presidency Biden It has gotten worse. Only 17% of Americans reported that their financial situation has improved since arrival Biden The White House has improved.

Mhd Narayan

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