Game News

Relic Entertainment was sold; Sega will lay off 240 employees

SEGA has sold the Relic Entertainment studio. Apparently there has been a management buyout and Relic Entertainment has become an independent company.


Representatives for SEGA and Relic Entertainment did not disclose the cost of the deal. The partners did not explain who would retain the rights to Relic Entertainment's games; For example, the Company of Heroes series. At the same time as announcing the sale of Relic Entertainment, SEGA also announced the reduction of its employees. In total, this company plans to lay off 240 people.

This layoff will affect SEGA Europe, Creative Assembly and SEGA HARDlight. SEGA Europe and Creative Assembly will be most affected; While SEGA HARDlight will lay off far fewer employees. SEGA has promised that layoffs and the sale of Relic Entertainment will secure the company's future.

Source: Gamefa

Mhd Narayan

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