General Health

Self-harm with some diets!

Nutritionist and faculty member of Shahid Beheshti University said: Based on the findings of the statistical society; The biggest and most important cause of obesity in our country is thyroid problems, and the diagnosis of this is also the responsibility of the endocrinologist, and it cannot be generalized to all obese people, and undoubtedly this diagnosis also requires specialized and special tests, so that the best treatment process is on the agenda. be placed

According to Fars report, Mansour Rezaei, nutritionist and faculty member of Shahid Beheshti University, mentioned some misconceptions in the field of nutrition in Radio Javan's “Doctors Building” program: “Unfortunately, today we are witnessing the spread of misconceptions among the general public, which are related to the type of nutrition.” And the food basket leads to deviation. For example, the; Many believe that the constant consumption of pineapples will strengthen their physical powers, while pineapples contain a substance called bromelain. Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme that helps digest protein. Bromelain is used in medical science and is mostly used to repair wounds and damaged tissues.

In addition, while emphasizing the balance in people's weight and the use of proper diet, he added: First, I must emphasize that this belief is completely wrong that in order to reduce the weight of obese people; It is suggested to refrain from eating dinner and some foods. In my opinion, this is a kind of self-harm, and it is not effective in losing weight in any way, and it also has many harms. In other words, no one can lose weight by not eating!

This nutritionist and faculty member of Shahid Beheshti University also said: The first step in the field of slimming and fitness is to find the root cause of obesity in people. Based on the findings of the statistical community; The biggest and most important cause of obesity in our country is thyroid problems, and the diagnosis of this is also the responsibility of the endocrinologist, and it cannot be generalized to all obese people, and undoubtedly this diagnosis also requires specialized and special tests to find the best treatment process on the agenda. be placed

Rezaei further noted that when a person skips one of the meals, he eats with double appetite in the next meal, which, while preventing weight loss, also damages his digestive system; Therefore, every person who intends to diet and lose weight should consider a few points; First, heating the room, which means not eating in a cold environment (increasing the desire to eat), secondly, eating food slowly to induce the feeling of eating more in this way, and thirdly, chewing foods more in the program. place his food so that he gets tired and stops eating sooner.

In the continuation of his words, he stated that it is necessary for people to consult with an endocrinologist and nutritionist to consider the most suitable diet for the person while examining thyroid and digestive problems. In general, I must say that this process has such elegance and angles that the type of mobility, the amount of mobility and daily activity, the way of eating, the lifestyle and even the type of breathing of the person are also examined and it is of special importance for the prescription of the diet. Also keep in mind that no short-term diet will bring a person the desired result, so avoid short-term diets that cause many harms.

Mhd Narayan

Bringing over 8 years of expertise in digital marketing, I serve as a news editor dedicated to delivering compelling and informative content. As a seasoned content creator, my goal is to produce engaging news articles that resonate with diverse audiences.

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