Asia & Pacific News

Shahbaz Sharif said: Nowruz is an opportunity to promote synergy and regional unity

In a message on the occasion of Nowruz, the Prime Minister of Pakistan said that Nowruz is a cultural bridge to overcome differences and strengthen integration.

According to ISNA, “Mohammed Shahbaz Sharif” said in a message on the occasion of Nowruz Eid: I send my sincere greetings and congratulations to all those who celebrate Nowruz in Pakistan and around the world.

He added: This day is a sign of the arrival of spring, renewal of nature and an opportunity to appreciate our blessings, share our hopes and dreams for the coming year.

The Prime Minister of Pakistan stated: On this auspicious occasion, I thank the communities that celebrate Nowruz in Pakistan, including our Parsi community, for their important contributions in building a better Pakistan.

Shahbaz Sharif also considered Nowruz as a culture to overcome differences and create a bridge to strengthen convergence and emphasized that this day should be an opportunity to promote synergy and regional unity.

end of message

source: ISNA

Mhd Narayan

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