Middle East News

Smotrich: America's abstention on the Gaza ceasefire resolution is in favor of Hamas

According to an online report, the Minister of Finance of the Zionist regime, in response to the approval of the resolution in the Security Council for a cease-fire in the Gaza Strip, said that the US's failure to use its veto against the cease-fire resolution in the Gaza Strip is in the interest of Hamas and harms the efforts to return the hostages. .

Bezalel Smotrich added: “We will not stop the war until Hamas is completely destroyed and the abducted people are returned, and the Israeli authorities must stop arguing.”

Itmar Ben Guer, Minister of National Security of the Zionist regime, also said: The Security Council's resolution for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip proved that the United Nations and its Secretary General are anti-Semitic, and this resolution encourages Hamas to continue its work.

According to Mehr's report, quoted by Al Jazeera, Ben Guerr continued his hysterical reaction to the approval of the ceasefire resolution in the Gaza Strip and added: Biden's failure to use the veto against the ceasefire resolution proved that Israel's victory does not take priority over his political considerations.

He claimed: We must continue to fight for the defeat of Hamas with all our strength and at any cost after the resolution of the Security Council.

The Ministers of Foreign Affairs and War of the Zionist regime have also expressed their anger and displeasure with the approval of the resolution in the Security Council for a cease-fire in the Gaza Strip and the US abstaining from this resolution.


Mhd Narayan

Bringing over 8 years of expertise in digital marketing, I serve as a news editor dedicated to delivering compelling and informative content. As a seasoned content creator, my goal is to produce engaging news articles that resonate with diverse audiences.

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