Psycology and Mental

Some useful educational tricks to prevent child stubbornness

Children misbehave for many reasons, but the most common reason is boredom. They find that their behavior is effective, especially if they can use it to get what they want. Sometimes the desire to have power is the reason for their misbehavior, because this is a way for the child to try and prove his power of control. That is why it is important to know how to properly manage these behaviors.

According to Roziato's report, the solutions that we will talk about in the following will make your life as a parent easier.

1- Deal with him more calmly and coolly

Children often imitate the behavior of their parents, so you should model your child's behavior by teaching him to stay calm and cool. If you yell at him when he starts screaming, this behavior will become normal and natural. So instead, show him another way to manage his emotions.

2- Give him the right to choose so that you can decide what he likes to do

Giving the child the right to choose helps to satisfy the need to have power and control over his affairs; So, for example, if he had to put away his toys and brush his teeth, ask him which he would like to do first.

3- Always have snacks with you

A child's misbehavior is often caused by his hunger, so if you were to go out with your child, you can stop him from screaming and yelling and keep him in a good mood by bringing snacks.

4- Inform him of the possible negative consequences of his actions

“Because I say so!” Not a good answer to a child who wants to know why they shouldn't do something. Always try to talk to your child and explain to him what can happen if he misbehaves and why he should not do certain things. Make him aware of the consequences of his actions so that he can learn and make better decisions for himself in the future.

5- Set a daily schedule for him and reward him for following it

Help your child to have a suitable daily schedule for himself, for example, banning watching TV from a certain time onwards, helping to wash the dishes, brushing teeth and going to bed at a certain time; And if you want to be creative, you can set a schedule for the whole month and tell your child that if they follow the schedule for the whole month (or a week or two), they can get a reward of their choice.

6- Determine reasonable punishments for breaking the law

Consider some reasonable punishments for your child's misbehavior. For example, if your child resists eating vegetables, don't let him eat snacks. Or if he doesn't want to pick up his toys, don't let him play with them for the rest of the day. This method is suitable for children who find it difficult to do some things. However, avoid imposing unreasonable penalties. For example, if he did not want to eat his food, do not force him to wash his clothes.

7- Distract him

Children sometimes misbehave because they are bored or bored or have nothing better to do. For this reason, if you find something for him to do, especially something that will entertain and engage him, it will be a good thing to distract him and stop misbehaving.

8- Ask him about his opinion and solutions for problems

When your child starts to misbehave, ask him if he has a problem or if something is bothering him. If there is a problem and your child shares it with you, take the time to talk to him about it. Ask your child if he has an opinion or how he thinks the problem can be solved. If he doesn't have an answer, give him a little help, but remember that you need to make him feel that he is the one who is solving the problem and you need to support and encourage him.

9- Accept his feelings and try to help him

Instead of telling your child he's being a bad kid or misbehaving, you can show him that you understand him and how he feels. Since emotions play an important role in a child's behavior, always be receptive to them. For example, a simple sentence like this can help your child a lot: “I understand that you are upset that we can't go to the park today, but the weather is not good.”

Mhd Narayan

Bringing over 8 years of expertise in digital marketing, I serve as a news editor dedicated to delivering compelling and informative content. As a seasoned content creator, my goal is to produce engaging news articles that resonate with diverse audiences.

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