Asia & Pacific News

The mystery of diplomacy in Iraq; Why does the Prime Minister of Iraq not go to China?

Eviralnews, an American publication called the refusal of Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammad Shia al-Sudani to accept the official invitation of the Chinese authorities to visit this country as a diplomatic puzzle. The Chinese government has recently sent an official invitation to the Prime Minister of Iraq to visit Beijing. But the Sudanese government has not responded positively to this official invitation.

In an analytical report in this regard, “Diplomat” magazine claimed that the relationship between Iraq and China in recent years, unlike in the past, is not limited to the field of trade and commerce of oil and energy. Based on the agreements between Beijing and Baghdad, nearly 200 projects worth 5 billion dollars are currently being implemented between the two countries.

This report adds that the relations between Iraq and China are at the best level in terms of trade; However, in his recent visit to Houston, the Iraqi Prime Minister together with a high-ranking Iraqi economic delegation called for strategic partnership with American companies in matters such as energy, infrastructure and real estate.

Iraqi Prime Minister met with a group of American economic activists during his trip to Houston. In this meeting, Sudani from “Baker Hughes”, “GA Vernova”, “Honeywell”, “KBR”, “SLB” and “Total” companies, which are mainly oil companies and active in the field of technology, for The company invited to a tender to be held in Baghdad in the near future, which was welcomed by the American side.

This report adds that only one month after the Sudanese visit to America, the fifth and sixth stages of the tender for the assignment of 29 oil projects were held. Despite their promise to the Sudanese government, the Americans did not participate in the tender so that the Chinese won the tender for 10 projects.

Citing the statements and positions of American diplomats, this report writes that Washington is fully aware of China's activities in Iraq; Because China's investments are not only limited to Iraq's oil sector, but the Chinese have also started their investments in other fields such as telecommunications, technology and Iraqi technology. In this regard, Asiacell, the largest mobile phone operator in Iraq, recently signed a cooperation agreement with China's Huawei, which is under American sanctions.

The American magazine “Diplomat”, referring to the meeting between Sudanese and Chinese President Xi Jinping two years ago in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, admits that the Iraqi Prime Minister will visit the Chinese President in the near future, but not under the current circumstances.

“Diplomat” links the Sudanese concern and doubt to travel to China to the events of Tashreen in 2019; Many believe that the avoidance of Iraqi prime ministers after Adel Abdul Mahdi from visiting China is more than anything else due to the fear of the United States entering and interfering unnecessarily and creating incidents like the organized unrest of 2019 in Iraq.

This group of observers believe that Sudani received the message of Washington's dissatisfaction with the deepening of relations between Iraq and China after his trip to America and does not want to provoke America more at this critical moment.

According to “Diplomat” magazine, Mohammad Shia al-Sudani plans to form an electoral list for the upcoming Iraqi elections in 2025 in order to guarantee the survival of his government for the second round. This publication, in the final part of its report, considers the Sudanese trip to China to be very unlikely at the moment and interprets the Sudanese strategy towards the confrontation between America and China in Iraq as neutral.

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Mhd Narayan

Bringing over 8 years of expertise in digital marketing, I serve as a news editor dedicated to delivering compelling and informative content. As a seasoned content creator, my goal is to produce engaging news articles that resonate with diverse audiences.

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