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The new security-military agreement between Somalia and Türkiye; Why is Mogadishu important for Ankara?

According to the report of Tasnim International News Agency, the development of relations between Turkey and the African country of Somalia has attracted the attention of experts and strategic analysts. Although the volume of trade between Turkey and Somalia is less than half a billion dollars, the visibility and visits of the officials of both sides and the attention of high-ranking Turkish security and military commanders to this country have increased, and Somalia is one of the African countries that In terms of overseas military activity and defense cooperation, it has gained special importance for Turkey.

The history of Turkey-Somalia relations in the modern era goes back to the negotiations in 1978, which led to the establishment of official relations, and the Turkish embassy in Mogadishu was opened in 1979, but it was closed in 1991 due to insecurity and civil war.

Later, on November 1, 2011, the Turkish embassy was reopened, and Erdogan visited Somalia on August 19, 2011 as Prime Minister of Turkey.

Drought, poverty, lack of development infrastructure and the urgent need for humanitarian aid in Somalia made Turkey to have a large presence in this African country under the guise of humanitarian aid and to think of building a military base.

Turkey ,
The Somali government rejected Eritrea's proposal to build a joint military base in the Horn of Africa, but allowed Turkey to build its largest overseas military base in Somalia in 2018, with an area of ​​about four square kilometers.

Also, Mogadishu International Airport and Mogadishu Port are currently managed by Turkish companies.

The total investment value of Turkish companies in Somalia has reached 140 million dollars. It is said that more than 1,355 Somali students have studied in Turkey by receiving scholarships.

The largest Turkish embassy in the world is the embassy of this country in Mogadishu, which is built on a land of 3 hectares and its floor area is 10,200 square meters. This embassy was built like an impregnable fortress in order to deal with possible terrorist attacks and shows the importance of Turkey's presence in Somalia.

Turkey ,
Why is Somalia important for Türkiye?

Over the past years, influence in the African continent has become a vital and prestigious issue for Turkey. Due to its strategic location in the Horn of Africa, Somalia overlooks important shipping routes such as the Bab al-Mandeb strait that connects the Red Sea to the Gulf of Aden, and for this reason, it is of considerable geopolitical importance.

Somalia's location in the Horn of Africa has made it an important sea gate that allows Turkey to penetrate at the junction of the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean. Because the coastline of this country along the Gulf of Aden is vital for global shipping lines. Somalia also has vast potential in terms of natural resources including fisheries, oil and natural gas.

The establishment of a military base in Somalia allows Turkey to protect its strategic interests in the region and ensure the security of important shipping routes and counter piracy threats.

Also, strengthening defense cooperation with Somalia and other African countries and thus strengthening Turkey's role as a key player in African security affairs is important to Erdogan's government's diplomacy team. The implementation of training and capacity building programs for the Somali army is the key to Turkey's influence in Somalia.

Somalia has been one of the important centers of activity of extremist and terrorist groups, including al-Shabaab, a militant group affiliated with al-Qaeda. At the same time, Somalia has potential reserves of oil, natural gas and fishing resources, which make it attractive for energy exploration and economic opportunities. For this reason, Turkey's presence in Somalia goes beyond mere military aspects, and with economic investments in infrastructure projects, Turkish companies will benefit greatly in the reconstruction and development of Somalia.

The importance of the new defense agreement between Türkiye and Somalia

The Defense and Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement signed between Turkey and Somalia on February 8, 2024 contains important messages in many ways.

Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud described this agreement as the best agreement they have made so far. The agreement signed by Yashar Güler, the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Turkey, and his Somali counterpart, Abdul Qadir Mohammad Noor, in Ankara on February 21, 2024, was approved by the Somali Parliament and the Council of Ministers in recent days. In addition, this agreement must be approved by the Turkish parliament.

Turkey ,
The Turkish authorities are looking to somehow influence the relations between Somalia and Ethiopia. Unofficial news indicates that General Yasar Güler, the Minister of Defense of Turkey, openly asked his Somali counterpart, if he wants to sign a maritime security agreement with Ethiopia or try to establish a joint base, Turkey's expert and advisory opinions must be used. .

Security and economic aspects of the agreement

Dr. Tonç Demirtash, one of the analysts of Setav political and economic studies think tank close to the ruling party of Turkey, considered the agreement signed between the governments of Ankara and Mogadishu as a guarantee of Somalia's security and regional peace.

Demirtaş pointed out that Turkey's presence in Somalia has been accepted by both the people and the officials. This situation gives legitimacy to Türkiye's presence in Somalia.

This analyst close to the ruling party of Turkey claimed that the people of Somalia have a good view of Turkey's presence, but they are worried about the possibility of the presence of the United Arab Emirates and do not consider it.

He further wrote: “This agreement will bring mutual economic advantage and is in line with the principle of win-win in Turkey's policy in Africa, and it also has security and economic dimensions.”

In order to deepen its influence in Somalia, the Turkish government has undertaken the reconstruction of the police and security departments of this country and through the training of officers and non-commissioned officers in both the brigades and the coast guard, with a new 10-year agreement, the training of all forces and the provision of weapons. They have been entrusted.

At the same time, according to the decision of the United Nations Security Council in November 2022, Turkey is among the countries exempted from the arms embargo imposed on Somalia. As a result, practically a new market has been created for the sale of Turkish defense industry products.

Turkey previously only had ground and air support in Somalia. But with the new agreement, elements of the Turkish navy will now play a key role in Somalia. In other words, Turkey will be present in Somalia from now on with all three forces, land, air and sea.

Turkey ,
Another important aspect of Turkey's attempts to compete with other countries in Somalia and other African countries is that, according to the new agreement, Turkey has the right to prevent illegal foreign interference in Somalia's maritime resources. For example, Turkey's presence provides an opportunity to create a legal situation in the face of illegal fishing by Chinese vessels in Somali waters.

Erdogan's government hopes to continue the defense and security cooperation with Somalia, in the near future, in addition to the airport, seaport, and fisheries sectors, it will also take over the construction of new infrastructure for Somalia's energy sector.

It seems that in the course of the development of relations between Turkey and Somalia, we are somehow witnessing history repeating itself. Because five hundred years ago, the Ottoman Navy was present on the coast of Somalia to fight against the Portuguese sailors, and now Turkey is seeking to strengthen its defense and economic foothold in this land.

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Mhd Narayan

Bringing over 8 years of expertise in digital marketing, I serve as a news editor dedicated to delivering compelling and informative content. As a seasoned content creator, my goal is to produce engaging news articles that resonate with diverse audiences.

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