Africa News

The Sudan Radio and Television building was captured by the army

According to the report of Tasnim International News Agency, the Sudanese army released a statement and announced: During a fierce battle, the army units managed to free the Sudan Radio and Television building from the capture of the rapid response forces.

By passing through the capital of Sudan, the Nile River divides this city into two parts, Omdurman is in the eastern part, and the Sudan Radio and Television building is located in the same part and next to the Nile river bank.

In the statement of the Sudanese army, it is stated: Armed forces with the help of popular forces managed to free the central building of the country's national radio and television from the capture of the rapid response forces and foreign mercenaries affiliated with it in the early hours of Tuesday this week.

According to the Sudan Tribune newspaper, pro-army users published videos and photos in cyberspace that show the presence of army forces in the radio and television building.

During the last two months, the Sudanese army, by conducting successful operations in Omdurman, was able to free most of the neighborhoods of this city from the capture of the rapid response forces and tighten their siege ring in the building of the National Radio and Television of Sudan.

In its statement, referring to the unsuccessful attack of the rapid response forces to recapture the radio and television building, the Sudanese army announced: Most of the fugitives were killed and wounded, and many military tools and equipment were taken from the rapid response forces.

According to military sources, in this operation, more than 120 military vehicles were destroyed along with large amounts of weapons and ammunition and electronic warfare systems against drones.

This newspaper wrote in another news: Following the release of the Sudan National Radio and Television building from the capture of the rapid reaction forces, General Abdul Fattah Burhan, the head of the ruling council and the army commander, arrived in Omdurman yesterday evening.

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Source: Tasnim

Mhd Narayan

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