
The UN special rapporteur accused Israel of genocide

The UN special rapporteur accused Israel of genocide

The news indicates that the UN Human Rights Council is preparing to receive a report in which the Zionist regime has been accused of deliberately trying to physically destroy the Palestinians.

According to the report of Anna Science and Technology News Agency's policy group, the English newspaper “Guardian” says that it has obtained a copy of the report of “Francesca Albanese”, the UN special rapporteur on Palestinian human rights issues, in which Israel is accused of “genocide in Gaza”.

In the report, which is to be presented to the Geneva-based UN Human Rights Council on Tuesday, Albanese argues that there are reasonable grounds to believe that Israel has committed at least 3 to 5 crimes related to genocide.

According to this UN expert, the nature and size of Israel's attack on Gaza shows the intention to physically destroy the Palestinians.

In taking punitive measures against Israel, he demands an arms embargo against this regime.

Not long ago, the American website “Politico” reported that the United States may make military aid to Israel conditional if the military operations of the occupiers expand in the Gaza Strip.

Britain has also warned the Zionist regime that if it does not comply with international laws, it will stop its arms supply.
In a preemptive measure, Canada has stopped sending weapons to the Zionist regime.

After all, the stigma of “genocide” is very expensive for a regime that derives its false legitimacy from the myth of the “Holocaust” and the massacre of Jews during World War II. For the first time, the world has doubts about the authenticity of the Holocaust and the legitimacy of the Zionist regime, and this issue, along with the resolution of the Security Council yesterday, is a great achievement for the resistance axis.

Source: ANA

Mhd Narayan

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