USA News

Trump's 2% lead over Biden in the latest poll

Eviralnews, the results of a new poll show that “Donald Trump”, the candidate of the Republican Party in the 2024 presidential election of the United States, is still ahead of “Joe Biden”, the President of the United States, by 2 percent.

The Reuters/Ipsos Center poll found that 41 percent of voters would vote for Trump if the election were held today, and 29 percent said Biden would be their choice.

About 20 percent of voters said that they have not yet chosen a candidate.

This poll once again emphasizes the unpopularity of both American election options. Previously, the results of a poll showed that more than half of Biden's supporters would vote for him to oppose Trump in the 2024 election.

The poll, conducted by CBS and the Yoga Institute, showed that 54 percent of Biden's supporters would vote to oppose the former US president in the November 5 election, which is 7 percentage points higher than in March.

In addition, the results of this survey on whether the voters made their decision through a referendum or by a choice had an important impact on their choice. Accordingly, among those who see this election as a judgment on Trump, 66% will vote for Biden and only 34% will vote for Trump. At the same time, when voters see this election as a judgment on Biden, 66% will vote for Trump and only 34% for Biden.

Also, if the voters see this election as a comparison between two candidates, 53% will vote for Trump and 47% will vote for Biden.

In early March, Joe Biden and Donald Trump won the nominations of the Democrats and Republicans for the 2024 presidential election in the United States, so that the first confrontation between the two election candidates in the last 70 years will take place in the history of this country.

The US presidential election will be held on November 5, 2024. Meanwhile, in the latest survey about the US presidential election, Joe Biden, the current president of the country, is in 5 of 6 key states with a slight margin lower than his rival from the Republican Party, Donald Trump.

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Mhd Narayan

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