Europe News

Ukraine|The confidence of the American intelligence community in the defeat of Kiev

According to the Tasnim International News Agency, Seymour Hersh, a leading American journalist, wrote in an article that the American intelligence community knows that Ukraine has practically no chance of winning against Russia, but the officials of the administration of the President of the United States, Joe Biden, deny any progress in the peace talks. They reject

He wrote: The US intelligence community knows that Ukraine has little chance of winning. Their main counter-offensive failed last year and the army is tired and short on ammunition. In this situation, the prospect of peace negotiations has become clearer than before and there is no alternative.

Hersh referred to Russian President Vladimir Putin's words last week that “Moscow is ready for serious talks and to finally resolve all conflicts through peaceful means.” But it would be “ridiculous” to start negotiations just because the Ukrainian army has run out of ammunition.

Citing a US official familiar with the current state of negotiations, the journalist admitted that Biden administration officials working with Zelensky continue to reject any chance of significant progress in the peace talks. According to him, they gave Zelensky an ultimatum: “No negotiations or any agreement. Otherwise we will not support your government with $45 billion in civilian funding.”

In addition, according to Seymour Hersh, Joe Biden's stance on Ukraine will play against him in his election campaign against Donald Trump. He wrote: This is the situation created by the Biden administration. Washington's refusal to seek a moderate solution to the conflict in Ukraine, as well as his failure to curb Israel's ongoing aggression against Gaza, could lead to his defeat in the presidential elections in November. .

The journalist lamented at the end: “Yet Biden continues to promise that the United States will continue to pay Ukrainians to fight and die in a proxy war that can and must be stopped.”

In the following, you can follow the developments related to the 758th day of the Ukrainian war:


EU leaders did not approve the decision to use frozen Russian assets

The press service of the Council of Europe reported last night that the EU summit did not approve practical decisions on the use of frozen Russian assets.

“The EU summit reviewed progress on taking further concrete steps towards channeling profits from frozen Russian assets to Ukraine, including possible military support,” the statement said. In this meeting, the Council of the European Union was asked to continue working on the latest proposals of the European Commission and the High Representative of the European Union (Joseph Borrell). In this summit, it was again suggested that 90% of Russian assets be used for supplying Ukraine with weapons and 10% for the reconstruction of this country.

“This move is fraught with legal risks, as there is a possibility that if Russia goes to court, the money will be returned after (the end of the military conflict),” the British newspaper The Guardian noted.

At the same time, the heads of states and governments of the European Union called for further strengthening of the sanctions regime against Russia, including the intensification of measures to combat the circumvention of anti-Russian sanctions.

The preparation of the General Staff of the French Army to go beyond the supply of weapons to Ukraine

Thierry Burckhardt, Chief of the General Staff of the French Armed Forces, announced on Thursday that the West's support for Ukraine may go beyond the supply of weapons.

According to him, European countries should be able to take risks to ensure European security in the next decade. Of course, Burkhardt said: Kiev has not yet requested to send foreign troops to Ukraine, but NATO must prepare for all unforeseen circumstances.

He added: Moscow believes that the West will never send its troops to Ukraine and will only send weapons to Kiev. Therefore, the task of Western countries is to show that Russia cannot use this logic to “advance its goals”.

Grushko: We do not advise Macron to test Russia's readiness for a tough response

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko announced last night that neither French President Emmanuel Macron nor the leaders of other Western countries should test Russia's readiness for a tough response.

Groshko said in an interview: “No one advises you to test the water and measure the readiness of our country for an appropriate and decisive response to your actions.”

According to him, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg understands the situation and knows how dangerous it would be to be drawn into a direct conflict with Russia. However, some countries prefer to increase their opposition. “If NATO countries want to openly enter Ukraine individually or as part of a coalition, the risks of such a conflict will increase exponentially,” Groshko emphasized.

He called the current relationship between NATO and Russia a combined war and pointed out the reluctance of the West to lose its power over the world order. In his opinion, Western countries suppress all independent countries that may differ from their opinion. Grushko said: “Moscow takes into account all risks, therefore, in military planning and taking necessary measures to reliably ensure the security of the country, attention is paid to a scenario in which the conflict nevertheless crossed the permissible border.”

The diplomat also added that NATO soldiers only do what the politicians tell them. And now the coalition group is preparing the conditions for a possible conflict with Russia and is conducting numerous military maneuvers on the “Eastern flank”.

Zakharova: Teras' words about Ukraine are an incitement to terrorism

Maria Zakharova, the spokeswoman of the Russian Foreign Ministry, believes that the words of former British Prime Minister Liz Truss about Ukraine's right to use any possible weapon and tactics against Russia are nothing more than a call for terrorist acts.

He recalled that the former British prime minister said in an interview with a Ukrainian newspaper on Thursday that the United States should allow Ukraine to use “all kinds of weapons and all kinds of tactics” against Russia. This is direct incitement to terrorism!”

The Pentagon acknowledges the withdrawal of the Ukrainian army due to the lack of American assistance

Sabrina Singh, the Pentagon's deputy spokeswoman, announced during a press conference that the Ukrainian armed forces had to “make difficult decisions” to withdraw from some positions because they are unable to confront the Russian army without the financial and military assistance of the United States.

He said: We know that Ukraine should take strategic decisions to withdraw troops from certain areas in order to strengthen its defense lines.

Singh explained that Kyiv needs new aid, but the US Congress has yet to agree on funding for Ukraine's armed forces.

The head of the NATO military committee called the general mobilization in Ukraine inevitable

Rob Bauer, head of NATO's military committee, announced at the Kiev security meeting that Ukraine should increase mobilization law to attract new military forces.

“Like it or not, people are needed (in a war zone),” he said. You need not only new grenades, tanks and armored vehicles. Unfortunately, new soldiers are also needed. Because soldiers are killed and injured. Although it is difficult for people to talk about mobilization and conscription, it is an inevitable action.

Yesterday, General Bauer met with the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Oleksandr Sirsky. The parties reviewed the situation of the battlefield and discussed the supply of ammunition and the organization of air defense.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Army also had a telephone conversation with Thierry Burkhardt, the head of the French Joint Chiefs of Staff. Sirsky claimed that the armed forces of Ukraine were able to stabilize the situation on the battle front and thanked France for supporting Ukraine.

Belgium allocated 200 million euros to buy ammunition for Kiev

The Prime Minister of Belgium, Alexandre de Croo, announced that the country has allocated 200 million euros to Ukraine to purchase ammunition from countries outside the European Union. According to him, this is a common purchase outside the European Union, coordinated by the Czech Republic. According to the prime minister, the aid is funded by a tax on profits from the investment of frozen Russian assets in Belgium.

De Crowe emphasized that the agreements in this field will be completed in the near future.

Survey: 86% of Hungarians oppose sending Western troops to Ukraine

In Hungary, 86 percent of respondents in a survey conducted by the Szazadveg Institute opposed the deployment of Western troops to Ukraine.

This study has shown that the vast majority of Hungarian people do not agree that the soldiers of European countries or NATO soldiers fight in Ukraine. Only 11% of respondents approved the intervention theory and 3% found it difficult to answer.

In recent months, Western media and politicians have emphasized the danger that can threaten Western countries from Russia if Ukraine fails. However, according to the results of this study, 80% of Hungarians believe that Russia does not threaten Hungary's security, and 79% of them are confident in the security of NATO members.

In addition, 75% of Hungarians associate the cause of the conflict in Ukraine with the conflict between America and Russia. According to them, the conflict will not end until one side surrenders.

Hungarian Prime Minister's congratulatory message for Putin's election victory

Yesterday, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban sent a message to Vladimir Putin, the re-elected President of Russia, congratulating him on his victory in the Russian presidential election.

Also in this letter, Orbán stressed that the relations between Hungary and Russia are based on mutual respect, which makes it possible to discuss important issues in difficult geopolitical conditions. He added: “Hungary is in favor of peace regarding the conflict in Ukraine and considers maintaining dialogue as a basic condition for establishing peace as soon as possible.”

end of message/

Source: Tasnim

Mhd Narayan

Bringing over 8 years of expertise in digital marketing, I serve as a news editor dedicated to delivering compelling and informative content. As a seasoned content creator, my goal is to produce engaging news articles that resonate with diverse audiences.

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