
White House: Abstaining from the Gaza ceasefire does not mean a change in US policy

White House: Abstaining from the Gaza ceasefire does not mean a change in US policy

The White House National Security Council spokesman said that if the Israelis cancel their trip to America, Washington will continue to contact them, and that the vote against the cease-fire resolution does not mean a change in American policy.

According to the Anna Science and Technology News Agency's policy group, John Kirby, strategic communications coordinator of the US National Security Council, said: The US abstaining on the Gaza ceasefire resolution does not mean a change in our policy.

Kirby stated: We did not vote in favor of the resolution and simply refrained from voting because the final version of the resolution does not include the condemnation of Hamas.

The senior White House official added: “If the Israelis decide not to come to Washington because of the Security Council's abstention, we will continue to communicate with them to express our views.”

Source: ANA

Mhd Narayan

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