
5 immediate home remedies to stop a runny nose!

Home treatment for runny nose: Cold and runny nose is not a very important problem, but it may disturb your daily life; Especially if it lasts for a few days. Fortunately, in addition to chemical drugs, there are effective ways to treat runny nose at home. For example, you can incense your face or use a warm bath. In the following, we discuss these home remedies. So, take some time and prepare by reading it to treat runny nose in colds and other diseases.

If you want to use natural remedies, there are many options available to you. The following home remedies are among the ways to get rid of diaper rash.

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1. Drinking liquids

Drinking plenty of water and fluids helps to treat nasal congestion. It also thins and lubricates the mucus in your sinuses. Also, by drinking water, it will be easier for you to drain this mucus; Otherwise, the mucus may become thick and sticky.

home remedies for runny nose As a result, your nasal congestion becomes more severe. If you want to recover faster, it is better to avoid drinks like alcohol and coffee, because these drinks dehydrate your body.

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Home remedies for runny nose

2. Hot tea

Sometimes hot drinks (such as tea) are more beneficial than cold drinks. Because their heat and steam enters your respiratory tract and nose and opens it. Also, some special herbal teas are anti-constipation. It is better to use plants that have anti-inflammatory properties and are antihistamines, such as chamomile, ginger, mint and nettle.

Make a cup of hot herbal tea (preferably decaffeinated) and inhale the steam before drinking. Often, along with a runny nose, your throat also hurts; Sometimes drinking hot herbal tea is helpful to relieve sore throat.

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3. eat face

Inhalation of warm steam is also a way to treat runny nose at home. This will shorten your recovery time to about a week. In addition to inhaling steam from a cup of hot tea, we recommend that you also try facial incense. In the following, we will tell you the procedure:

Pour clean water in a clean kettle and put it on the stove. Heat it until it steams. (Do not let it boil.)

Put your face on the steam for about 20 or 30 minutes and breathe deeply through your nose. Stop smoking if your face gets too hot.

Blow your nose until the mucus comes out.

You can add a few drops of anti-congestion essential oil to your incense. For 30 cc of water, two drops of essential oil are enough. Eucalyptus, peppermint, pine, rosemary, sage, mint, tea tree oil and thyme essential oil are good options for you. Compounds in these plants (such as menthol and thymol) are also found in many over-the-counter decongestants.

Home remedies for runny nose, if anti-congestion essential oils are not available to you, you can also use the dry herbs mentioned above. In fact, by doing this you are making your face incense from herbal tea and you will see the same positive effect after inhaling the tea steam.

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Home remedies for runny nose

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4. Eating spicy food

Spicy and spicy foods make the runny nose worse; However, if you have symptoms of nasal congestion, eating spicy foods may help open up your nasal passages. If you can handle spicy food, give it a try. If you are not used to eating spicy food, first try a small amount of spicy spice to see if it is useful for you.

Hot spices such as cayenne pepper, red pepper, habanero, wasabi, horseradish or ginger are great options. These spices warm your body and open its pores. Also, they are helpful in relieving your sinus problems.

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5. Capsaicin

home remedy for runny nose, the reason for the hotness of pepper is a substance called capsaicin. It is used to treat nerve pain and psoriasis, but if you apply it to your nose, it may also help with a runny nose caused by congestion. Various studies show that capsaicin is more effective than budesonide for the treatment of runny nose.

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Home remedies for runny nose

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Other points

Using a soft tissue containing essential oil: When you have a runny nose, you have to constantly rub your skin with a tissue to clean your nose, sometimes this is annoying. We recommend that you use wipes that are soft and contain essential oils so that your skin is not irritated.

Home remedies for runny nose, use the most effective methods just before sleep: sleep is good for curing colds. In addition, it helps your mental and physical health. When you want to sleep, use the most effective methods to reduce your problem so that your sleep is beneficial and you recover faster.

Stay at home and rest until your problem is completely resolved: Sometimes when you have a runny nose, it is difficult and unpleasant for you to be in a group or a friendly gathering. If you have symptoms of the disease, stay at home until you recover.

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Mhd Narayan

Bringing over 8 years of expertise in digital marketing, I serve as a news editor dedicated to delivering compelling and informative content. As a seasoned content creator, my goal is to produce engaging news articles that resonate with diverse audiences.

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