Children and Parenting

8 food ideas that increase a child's intelligence and learning power!

Strengthening the child's intelligence: In addition to improving brain function, memory and concentration, some foods help to strengthen the child's intelligence. In fact, the brain is a very hungry organ and is the first organ in the body that absorbs nutrients from the food we eat. , follow the article below to strengthen the top 8 foods that increase intelligence in children and how to present them to the child.

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1. Eggs to increase intelligence in children

Eggs are known as a great source of protein, but egg yolks are also packed with choline, which helps with growth and memory.

2. Salmon to increase intelligence in children

Enhancing the child's intelligence, fatty fish such as fish are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, DHA and EPA, both of which are essential for brain development and function. In fact, recent research has also shown that people who consume more of these fatty acids in They get their diet, are smarter, and improve on mental skills tests. This tuna is also a source of omega-3, but it is a rich source like salmon.

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3. Cereals to increase intelligence in children

The brain needs a constant supply of glucose, and whole grains provide it in abundance. Fibers help regulate the release of glucose in the body, and whole grains also contain B vitamins and promote the health of the nervous system.

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4. Joe to increase intelligence in children

Boosting the child's intelligence, barley is one of the most popular and popular children's pills and “feeds the brain” pills. Barley provides great energy or brain fuel for children in the morning when they need to wake up.

Oats are rich in fiber and will nourish your child's brain during the morning at school. Barley is also a good source of vitamin E, vitamin B, potassium and zinc, which make our body and mind work at their full capacity.

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5. Berries to increase intelligence in children

Strawberries, cherries, berries, and blackberries contain high amounts of antioxidants, especially vitamin C, which may help prevent cancer.

Boosting the child's intelligence, studies have shown that memory is improved when eating berries and strawberries, and raspberry seeds are also a good source of omega-3.

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Strengthening the child's intelligence

6. Kidney beans to increase intelligence in children

Beans are a great mental food because in addition to a lot of vitamins and minerals, they contain energy from protein, complex carbohydrates, and fiber, and beans also increase a child's energy level and thinking for a long time.

Boosting your child's intelligence, Krieger says, Kidney beans and legumes contain more omega-3 fatty acids than other nuts — especially ALA, another omega-3 for brain growth and function.

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7. Colorful vegetables to increase intelligence in children

Vegetables with rich and deep colors contain antioxidants that maintain the health and strength of brain cells and are the best sources: tomatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, carrots and spinach.

Strengthening the child's intelligence, try to include more colorful vegetables in your child's meals in different ways, because these foods increase intelligence in children.

8. Milk and yogurt to increase intelligence in children

When thinking about foods that increase intelligence in children, you should consider milk and yogurt, because dairy products are full of protein and B vitamins necessary for the development of brain tissue, neurotransmitters and enzymes, and milk Milk and yogurt also provide the body with more protein and carbohydrates, which are a source of energy for the brain. .

Boosting your child's intelligence, recent research shows that children and teenagers need 10 times the recommended amount of vitamin D, which helps the nervous system.

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Mhd Narayan

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