Asia & Pacific News

Ali Bagheri: The proposal to sever ties with Israel was made on December 8th

According to the report of Tasnim News Agency's International Group, Bagheri said this Saturday after holding the extraordinary meeting of Foreign Ministers on August 8: I think this is a very important and good measure that has been taken. The important point is that with the proposal of Iran and the agreement of the rest of the members, this meeting does not actually end today, but it is the beginning of a process for the effective role of the D8 member countries.

In an interview with Radio and Television, he announced: It was decided that the members would gather together on different occasions and periodically and at different levels to evaluate the decisions taken and to decide together on the future actions. do

While stressing that Iran's proposals in this meeting were very practical, Bagheri explained: We proposed an initiative to cut ties with the Israel regime in the political and economic field, as well as boycott the Israel regime's goods, and mobilize the capacities of the G8 members for political support. and rights from Palestine in national and international authorities was another specific proposal of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs continued: All G8 countries agreed that there should be no tolerance for the crimes of the Israel regime and we must mobilize various capacities within the G8 group so that we can organize a serious move against the Israel regime.

According to his announcement, all the present countries also expressed their sympathy to the people and government of Iran regarding the helicopter accident for Shahid Raisi and Dr. Amir Abdollahian. At the beginning of the meeting, a minute of silence was held for the martyrs, and this showed the solidarity of all countries with the people and government of Iran.

end of message/

Mhd Narayan

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