Flowers and Plants

All kinds of apartment flowers and plants, suitable for the living room

House plants can make the indoor space brighter and more beautiful. Apart from beauty and decor, these plants are also suitable for cleaning polluted air at home and can be a factor in preventing diseases.

According to IRNA, but you might ask yourself which one is better to keep at home among all these different plants? In this section, we introduce plants that are easy to care for at home and also have many benefits.

Erica Palm

This plant is perfect for the indoor environment and is considered a humidifier and remover of carbon dioxide and air toxins, and you can easily place it next to the furniture or place it near the window to make you feel better.

snake plant

The snake plant is great indoors, especially for the bedroom, because it creates a healthy level of oxygen indoors and looks beautiful.

Aloe vera plant

You are definitely familiar with the benefits of aloe vera plant. This plant can remove polluted toxins from the air and reduces the effect of harmful chemicals in the air.

Apartment flowers and plants, suitable for the living room

Ficus plant

Ficus plant is one of the easiest plants to maintain and cleans the air from harmful toxins. This plant needs a relatively cool environment with indirect light; Therefore, it can be easily stored indoors.

The plant of love

Ashaqeh or Papital has soft and climbing stems and small, heart-shaped leaves, and it clings to a tree, wall or any other scaffolding and climbs. For better growth, place this plant next to the window and exposed to sunlight. Eshke absorbs air toxins and it is very easy to grow. Eshke Ablaq can be grown and hung in pots.

This plant has been introduced by NASA as the best plant for purifying the air in the house, because this plant attracts fungi and airborne and airborne pollutants, making people who suffer from respiratory allergies in the rooms where this plant is present. live better

Ben Sai

Ben Sai are small decorative shrubs that exist in different types and shapes, which are miniature and can make your decoration more charming.

Chlorophytum wheat leaf

This plant is a suitable option for people who do not know gardening. This plant destroys benzene and formaldehyde molecules in the air.

Apartment flowers and plants, suitable for the living room


This plant is easy to maintain in the apartment, because it does not need a lot of light and its humidity should always be provided. This plant is called an air cleaner, because it absorbs dangerous compounds such as trichloroethylene, formaldehyde and benzene, and they add to the air quality of the apartment and reduce the dangerousness of these chemicals.

Types of bamboo

Types of bamboo also fit beautifully in today's modern decorations. Bamboo plant is useful for asthma patients. Bamboo needs enough light and fresh water to grow. Of course, bamboo does not need soil to grow. It can even be kept in gel soils, but for growth it is best to use liquid enhancers added to bamboo water.

Apartment flowers and plants, suitable for the living room

Dracaena marginata

Dracaena marginata or Red-tipped Dracaena or Madagascar Dragon Tree is an evergreen tree that can grow up to 15 feet tall and 8 feet wide if cared for. This plant grows indoors and does not freeze because it has high tolerance and resistance and cleans benzene and formaldehyde in the air.

Rapis palm plant

This type of house palm, which is very easy to grow, will be a permanent decoration of your home due to its evergreen leaves. This plant needs light and low humidity and targets and absorbs ammonia vapors in the air that come from detergents, fabrics and chemical dyes.

Apartment flowers and plants, suitable for the living room

fern plant

Boston fern with its feather-like leaves and sword is very suitable for keeping inside the apartment. This plant is one of the best air cleaners in the apartment and needs constant moisture and water. Fern is very effective in eliminating the chemical formaldehyde and can also eliminate toxic substances such as mercury and arsenic in the soil.


This beautiful plant removes benzene, trichloroethylene, and phenol found in carpet cleaners, adhesives, and more.

Sword plant

Sword plant or sensoria or mother-in-law's tongue grows in low light. This plant absorbs carbon dioxide and emits oxygen and makes you breathe easily. This plant also removes formaldehyde and benzene from the air.

Apartment flowers and plants, suitable for the living room

Golden Pothos

Pothos is a famous creeping plant from the flower family, which is very convenient to keep in an apartment or house. Golden Potos is an effective plant in purifying the air in the house with the ability to purify the air and remove benzene, carbon monoxide and formaldehyde.

money tree

This plant is considered one of the most common plants in the house and it is very suitable for the rooms inside the house and you can also put it in the reception room which has a very beautiful appearance and of course, when it grows, it will need a large space.

Mhd Narayan

Bringing over 8 years of expertise in digital marketing, I serve as a news editor dedicated to delivering compelling and informative content. As a seasoned content creator, my goal is to produce engaging news articles that resonate with diverse audiences.

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