Middle East News

America targeted the world leader of ISIS in Somalia

According to ISNA's online news report, the American media reported that the United States targeted the world leader of ISIS in Somalia last month, but could not confirm that he was killed in this attack.

According to NBC, the US government identifies “Abdul Qadir Momen” as the leader of ISIS in Somalia, but two American officials told this news channel that this ISIS official has become the global leader of this terrorist group in the last year.

The US Africa Command announced in a statement on May 31 that it carried out an airstrike against Daesh members in southeastern Somalia and killed three Daesh soldiers. The statement did not mention the identity of the people who were killed.

Now, three American officials have told NBC that Abdul Qadir Momen was the main target of this operation, but it is not clear whether he was killed or survived.

Another senior US official confirmed that the US had targeted a senior ISIS official in Somalia in an airstrike, but declined to identify the person, saying Washington was still assessing the outcome of the strike.

Abdul Qadir Momin

Mhd Narayan

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