Europe News

Antonov: G7 decision on Russian assets is illegal

Eviralnews, Anatoly Antonov, Russian ambassador to the United States, in an exclusive interview with “Novosti” news agency published this morning, Saturday, expressed his opinion that the decision of the leaders of the Group of Seven (G7) during their summit in Italy It is an illegal act to transfer profits from frozen Russian assets to aid Kiev.

“There is clearly a political motive here: to support the crumbling regime in Kiev, which is indifferent to the fate of ordinary Ukrainian citizens, thousands of whom are dying at the front,” he said.

Antonov stressed: “With this action, the West has violated all permitted limits and is literally robbing Russia.” Western countries have become thieves who no longer need to pretend to follow civilized norms and behaviors. Simply put, they no longer live according to international law, but according to their own will.

The diplomat added: “Seven big thieves” steal money belonging to Russia, which was honestly obtained in the framework of international cooperation, from this country and smuggle it to Ukraine.

The Russian ambassador also reminded that the United States once again made a big reputational mistake that damaged the country's financial and economic policy. He said: “Such generosity in harming Russia in favor of Kiev is another stain on America's financial and economic credibility, leading to a decrease in the respect of others for this country and the credibility of their dollar-based system.”

On Friday, from the final statement of the G7 summit in Italy, it became clear that the member states of this group will provide about 50 billion dollars in loans to Ukraine by the end of 2024, which will be repaid from the income from the frozen assets of Russia. In this statement, it is reminded that independent assets of Russia will remain frozen.

On the same day, Russian President Vladimir Putin, in a speech at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of this country, emphasized that the blocking of Russian assets in the West is an open theft that will certainly not go unpunished. According to him, Western countries are taking another step towards the destruction of the system that they created before and ensured its prosperity for several decades.

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Mhd Narayan

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