Home Decoration

Baby bedroom essentials checklist + safety checklist

guide you- It won't take long for your first baby to see the light of day and after a short period of time, he will step into your home. But have you prepared everything for it? Sleeping, changing clothes and eating are the most important activities of the baby in the first three months. That's why it's enough to focus first on the essentials in a child's room. A place to change diapers, a bed, and enough storage space for baby bottles and baby clothes are important features of a child's room. Small shelves for toys, wardrobes or tables and chairs are not necessary for babies in the first months, but they are sometimes bought and arranged in advance to give the room an attractive and lovely atmosphere. This guide describes everything you need to turn your room or any part of your home into a very functional and safe space for your child.

What are the essential items for a baby's bedroom?

1- Children's room flooring

According to your guide, Carpet is a good choice for flooring in a child's room. The carpet creates the perfect acoustics for the room, because they weaken the steps and sounds so that the child can sleep comfortably. It also provides a more comfortable playing and crawling surface than smooth, hard flooring. Rugs can also create a cozy atmosphere when placed as small islands on a relatively cold floor. However, it needs to be vacuumed regularly and can be difficult to clean if it gets large stains. Cork and wooden parquet or laminate is a suitable alternative in the nursery. They offer the advantage of quick cleaning.

2. Baby bed

At the beginning of the birth, the baby often sleeps in the parent's main bedroom and in a side bed with adjustable height. This bed is open on one side and can be attached directly to the parent's bed. This advantage provides short and close distances for parents and children.

If the child is still small and often has trouble sleeping, you can also provide him with a crib. But a real baby bed should be part of all basic equipment, because in six months your children will be outgrown. Most beds are height adjustable and equipped with movable bars. This means that they can grow with the child, meaning that with a few small changes, a baby bed can be quickly converted into a toddler bed.

Other equipment: mattress, sheets and sleeping bag are also necessary for the child to sleep. Curtains, a wireless mobile and a music box create a special space for a comfortable sleep.

Avoid using extra blankets, pillows, toys and stuffed animals in the bed. Babies are less mobile and may continue to sleep soundly even when a blanket or pillow slips over your baby's face. This can lead to suffocation of the baby.

A baby does not need a pillow or a toy to sleep, and the safest thing to do is to make sure your loved one sleeps in a baby sleeping bag.

3. Changing closet

Your baby needs to be changed a lot during the day as well as at night.

Wardrobe and diaper, changing table or diaper changing can also be purchased if necessary (if these items are expensive, you can change the baby's diaper on a washable cloth). The changing table must have a suitable and washable changing mat. The edge protector prevents the mattress from slipping and protects your child from a dangerous fall. A changing place should have a suitable height and all the necessary equipment for changing should be available. Open compartments or storage boxes (like the “Lotta”) provide storage space for diapers, wipes, baby cream, oil, etc.

As long as there is enough space in the bathroom, it is certainly a very useful place to change the baby. Otherwise, a simple table elsewhere can serve the same purpose. It's important to always be able to reach all the changing utensils with one hand and hold the baby with the other. Also remember to keep a diaper pail nearby so that dirty diapers don't sit on the changing table for too long. If you roll the diapers tightly and tie them with adhesive tapes, you can easily collect the diapers in a closed diaper pail. But it is still recommended to empty the diaper pail daily.


4. Other furniture such as wardrobes, shelves and chairs

You can prepare shelves in advance to place existing toys, stuffed animals and books. Most toys can also be very beautiful and decorative. Harmonious color images, mobiles and fairy lights create an atmospheric environment. A comfortable chair (chair or bench) is not necessary for parents, but it enriches the nursery significantly. If the baby is breastfeeding or you want to be there when he falls asleep or plays, it allows mom and dad to enjoy parenting in peace.

It is not necessary to buy one of these cute little wardrobes to store baby clothes. Your child grows so fast that the children's wardrobe will soon become too small. A “regular” wardrobe is a better choice.

5. Store clothes, toys, and bottles in a closet with shelves

You can already prepare shelves for existing toys, stuffed animals and books. Most of the toys that you want to put on the shelf can be decorative. Colorful pictures, stuffed animals and colored lights create a soothing atmosphere. An easy chair (sofa or couch) is not necessary for parents, but it enriches the child's room significantly. If the baby is breastfeeding or you want to be there when he falls asleep or plays, the recliner allows mom and dad to enjoy parenting in peace.

It is not necessary to buy one of these cute little wardrobes to store baby clothes. Your child grows so fast that the children's wardrobe will soon become too small. A “regular” wardrobe is a better choice.

6. Box for baby clothes

Are the clothes and shoes you received as gifts still big for the child?

Put the clothes in a box according to size and check every once in a while if the clothes fit now. Also, clothes that are small in size can be arranged in more transparent boxes.

7. Safe game area

All babies love play areas. To make the child's play environment beautiful and pleasant, you should spread a soft baby blanket or a cozy carpet. Age-appropriate toys can help complete the play space. You can easily store the toys in a decorative plastic box on the shelf until the baby is old enough to play with them. These boxes prevent the collection of dust.


8. Choosing an attractive color for the walls of the room

The walls of a child's room are a place where you can unleash your creativity. Friendly and bright colors that are not too flashy are relaxing for both parents and children. Subtle pastel colors such as light blue, lime green or rose are warmly welcomed, but neutral colors such as cream, white and shades of gray are also very popular right now. When the color is coordinated with furniture, rugs and curtains, the result is an attractive and harmonious room where everyone feels comfortable.

You should also pay attention to the light in the child's room. Of course, you need a ceiling lamp that lights up the whole room, but for going to sleep or changing at night, you need to use weaker light sources that create a somewhat dim atmosphere. After changing at night, the child falls asleep more easily.

8. Check the safety of the room

In the first few months, the baby will not be able to crawl, but as soon as he is mobile, there are some things to keep in mind:

Safety checklist

• All electrical outlets at the child's height must be covered.

• One of the important aspects of the decor is that all the furniture in the baby's room has rounded corners and edges so that the baby does not get hurt. Suitable “corner guards” are available in stores.

• The baby changing table must have adequate fall protection so that the baby does not fall to the floor.

• When choosing a bed, make sure it has side panels with bars. These not only ensure that the baby does not fall out of the bed, but also ensure good air circulation in the crib. The relevant DIN standards in Germany ensure that the distance between the bars is small enough that a child's head cannot fit through.

• Bed bumpers, canopies and things like that, which were the basic features of a traditional bed until a few years ago, are no longer recommended by pediatricians because they may lead to so-called sudden infant death.

• All furniture that can tip over should be attached to the wall. Windows must have window locks.

• In addition, the door gate and stairs must be installed depending on your home.

• Photo frames, wall shelves and lamps should be tightly closed in the child's room so that the child is not at risk.

• In addition, the baby's room should still have enough free space so that the baby can move freely, eventually crawling quickly and learning to walk.

Mhd Narayan

Bringing over 8 years of expertise in digital marketing, I serve as a news editor dedicated to delivering compelling and informative content. As a seasoned content creator, my goal is to produce engaging news articles that resonate with diverse audiences.

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