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The heat of the earth increases due to planting trees in inappropriate places

Planting trees, planting trees in inappropriate places

Planting trees in inappropriate places can make the earth warmer.

In some cases, the presence of more trees means that less sunlight is reflected off the Earth's surface and more heat is absorbed by the planet.

According to Digiato, researchers announced that planting trees in inappropriate places can contribute to global warming. They've also come up with a new map showing the best places to regrow forests and cool the planet.

Trees absorb carbon dioxide, and restoring degraded forest areas or planting new saplings to strengthen forest cover is one of the approaches to combat climate change. But according to this new study, in some cases, the presence of more trees causes less sunlight to be reflected by hitting the Earth's surface and more heat is absorbed by the planet.

Susan Cook-Patton, one of the authors of the study, says: “There are places where restoring trees leads to negative climate outcomes.”

He goes on to say that scientists already knew that restoring tree cover would lead to changes in albedo, or the brightness of the amount of solar radiation returning from the planet's surface, but they didn't have the tools to explain it.

Using the new maps, the researchers were able to consider, for the first time, the cooling effect of trees and the warming caused by the reduction of the albedo phenomenon. They found that climate benefits from additional trees were overestimated by 20 to 80 percent in projects that did not take albedo into account.

“There are a lot of places where restoring tree cover is a great idea for climate change,” says Cook-Patton. “We are trying to help people find these spots.”

According to scientists, humid and tropical environments such as the Amazon and Congo have high carbon storage and low changes in albedo, which are considered ideal places for forest cover restoration. But the opposite of this can be seen in temperate grasslands and savannas.

Many countries have promised to resist global warming by planting billions of trees, but the results of this study show that perhaps all these efforts are not equally effective for the earth.

Mhd Narayan

Bringing over 8 years of expertise in digital marketing, I serve as a news editor dedicated to delivering compelling and informative content. As a seasoned content creator, my goal is to produce engaging news articles that resonate with diverse audiences.

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