USA News

Clinton: Voting for Trump means voting for Putin's team

According to an online news report, Hillary Clinton accused the supporters of the former American president of supporting Vladimir Putin after the confirmation of Donald Trump's nomination by the Republican Party for the 2024 presidential election.

Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump's Democratic rival in the 2016 US presidential election, wrote in a message on X social media: “Every day this issue becomes clearer; “Voting for Trump is equal to voting for Putin's team.”

According to Isna, Hillary Clinton said this in response to the recent words of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán about Donald Trump's promise that he would not allocate any money to help Ukraine if he were to become president again, and also about He suggested that Europe would not be able to finance the war in Ukraine without America and as a result the war will end.

Trump recently hosted Victor Orbán at his Maralago residence. Their talks lasted about an hour and then they attended a dinner party and a concert. The former US president's press office noted that Trump and Orban “discussed a wide range of issues affecting Hungary and the United States, including the very important issue of a secure and strong border for both countries.”

Joe Biden and Donald Trump were officially chosen as their party's nominees for the 2024 US presidential election on Tuesday.

The 2024 US presidential election is scheduled to be held on November 5 (November 15), and this year, like 2020, Biden and Trump will enter the main election contests.

Biden needed 1,968 delegates to win the Democratic nomination, and he surpassed that number on Tuesday after winning the Georgia primary. Also, “Donald Trump”, who was able to defeat his opponent “Nicky Haley”, the former ambassador of the United States to the United Nations, in the primary elections, won the votes of 1215 delegates necessary for the nomination of the Republican Party, and this happened after winning in the state of Georgia. .


Mhd Narayan

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