Europe News

Erdogan in the meeting with Mahmoud Abbas: We are witnessing one of the biggest atrocities of the last century in Gaza

According to the report of Tasnim International News Agency, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said on Tuesday evening after meeting with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas at the presidential complex in Ankara during a joint press conference: It has been exactly 151 days since he witnessed one of the greatest barbarities of the century. We are recent.

He added: “Netanyahu and his angry government with the unlimited support of the Western powers are committing an open genocide of the Palestinian people.” Netanyahu and his accomplices in crimes are definitely responsible for every drop of blood that is shed in front of the law and consciences.

President Erdoğan emphasized: Israel's propaganda aimed at discrediting UNRWA with lies and slander should not be given credit and its existence should not be harmed. The only way to permanent peace is to create an independent and geographically unified state of Palestine on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital.

He further stated: The actions of usurpers known as settlers, who attack and steal lands that actually belong to Palestinians, are one of the biggest obstacles to the solution. It is now well understood that there will be no peace in the Middle East until a just solution to the Israeli-Palestinian issue is found.

The Turkish president also stated that the request of the extreme Israeli politicians to limit the entry of Muslims to the Holy Shrine is completely nonsense. As Turkey, we are ready to take responsibility within the guarantor mechanism and will continue our efforts in this field.

Mahmoud Abbas: Palestine's permanent membership in the United Nations is our wish

Mahmoud Abbas, head of the Palestinian Authority, also said in this meeting: efforts for international support for Palestine should be strengthened. Palestine's permanent membership in the United Nations and the creation of such a situation by the decision of the Security Council is something we wish for. We are grateful for Türkiye's continued support for the Palestinian cause.

Pointing out that more than 120,000 Palestinians have been injured and killed, he said: Israel continues its crimes and killings in the West Bank in the same way.

end of message/

Source: Tasnim

Mhd Narayan

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