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Foreign Minister: Netanyahu must be restrained

According to the foreign policy group of Tasnim News Agency, Iran's Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian, following his diplomatic consultations and meetings in New York, met and discussed with Thor Vansland, the UN Secretary General's Special Assistant for Middle East Peace Affairs.

The head of our country's diplomacy explained the operations of the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran against the military positions of the aggressor Israel regime in the framework of legitimate defense and international law and said: Although Iran was able to carry out this operation in a wider radius, only that part of the military positions The Israel regime was targeted from where the attack on our country's embassy in Damascus took place.

Amir Abdollahian added: The Israel regime with the support of the US and its allies is massacring and genocidating defenseless Palestinian children and women in Gaza.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of our country also emphasized that the main factor of stability and security in the region is the cessation of the crimes of the Israel regime in Gaza and the West Bank and the establishment of a lasting ceasefire.

He pointed out: Netanyahu is out of control and must be restrained.

In this meeting, Tor Vansland, Special Assistant to the Secretary General of the United Nations for Middle East Peace Affairs, while emphasizing the dangers caused by the expansion of tensions in the region, stated that the situation is out of control and the situation of the Palestinian people is deplorable.

He said: The United Nations wants to de-escalate the tension in the region and will use all its efforts to help establish peace and security.

Wenslet pointed out that the international community should focus on achieving an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and an immediate end to the war.

end of message/

Source: Tasnim

Mhd Narayan

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