Game News

GTA 6 fans will want to create their own radio playlist or connect to Spotify

Will GTA 6 players be able to use their Spotify account in the game or create their own custom playlist? Stay with us to review these requests.


Grand Theft Auto community members are discussing the possibility of adding music as a future Rockstar Games. Music has always been an important part of the Grand Theft Auto experience, and past games in the franchise are still known for their iconic song lists. The versions of Vice City and San Andreas are two cases where the soundtrack has helped a lot in the durability of their world.

But now that Grand Theft Auto 6 is set to bring fans a whole new set of radio stations, alongside songs that will forever be associated with Vice City and the State of Leonidas, fans are demanding the ability to add their own music to the game.

Some players want to link their Spotify account to Grand Theft Auto 6

On Reddit, there is a community of over 1 million fans eagerly awaiting the game's release. Fans have been discussing whether or not the game should allow them to add their favorite music to radio playlists. One popular idea is that Rockstar Games will make this feature available to players who link their Spotify, Apple Music, or other streaming service accounts to the game's radio.

It would be great if you could link your Spotify account and create your own custom playlist.

In this way, players can get into the car, change the radio to their custom channel and enjoy their musical taste while driving. This way, players can make the in-game music experience unique and keep Grand Theft Auto 6 fresh long after its release in 2025.

Does adding music to the game ruin the experience we want?

GTA 6 fans will want to create their own radio playlist or connect to Spotify

Grand Theft Auto fans also point out that console players can use the Spotify app to play their favorite music in the background of gameplay. The same can be said about PC users; Of course, when Grand Theft Auto 6 is released for PC. However, playing music this way isn't quite compatible with the game; Because the music doesn't start when you get into the car and it doesn't stop when you get out.

Several users are against Spotify's request for integration, claiming that it would take away from the game's identity. With Vice City's iconic soundtracks shaping up to be one of the best titles in the franchise, it's certainly hard to argue with them. Majnkra writes on Reddit:

I personally like the radio selections; Because they give the game character and I don't want that to be overshadowed by using Spotify.

What about custom playlists?

If Grand Theft Auto 6 doesn't add the ability to connect to a Spotify account, some users believe it should at least allow players to create their own custom playlists using songs from the game. Of course, it is worth noting that the development of the game is probably in its final stages.

Reddit user MURFEE7799 notes that Saints Row 2006 often allows players to create their own roster. This means users can filter out songs they're tired of and prioritize their favorite music during gameplay.

Grand Theft Auto 6 should not allow you to connect your Spotify account to the game; But it should offer the possibility of making a playlist like the one in Saints Row.

We're seeing evidence that Grand Theft Auto 6 development is almost complete, and as such, any features that aren't in the current build likely won't be available before launch. Most likely, Rockstar Games will not have the opportunity to work on any other elements of the gameplay until the day of release; So if there's no Spotify integration or the ability to make custom playlists in the game, all we can do is hope they'll be added via a patch.


Source: Gamefa

Mhd Narayan

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