
International Criminal Court against Israel/Why suspicion?

The action of the International Criminal Court in pursuing the arrest warrant of the leaders of the Israel regime could be a big step in the realization of global justice; But Divan is involved in a wrong mathematical equation that reduces the range of his efforts.

EviralnewsThe opinion of “Karim Khan”, the Prosecutor General of the International Criminal Court, was made public yesterday, Monday. He told “CNN's” Christian Amanpour that he submitted a request, collected reliable documents and sought to set an arrest warrant for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant on charges of committing war crimes and crimes against Israel. is humanity

The stance of the International Criminal Court also has a dark side, which ironically refers to the mathematical weakness of the court's legal advisors.

Although this comment was welcomed by a number of countries, including South Africa, which is pursuing a similar case in the International Court of Justice (The Hague) on the charge of genocide; As expected, it did not go well with the rulers of Tel Aviv and some Western supporters of the Israel regime.

Of course, the stance of the International Criminal Court has a dark side, which ironically refers to the mathematical weakness of the court's legal advisors. On the opposite side of the unequal war in Gaza, they are also looking for the arrest of Yahya Sanwar, the head of Hamas's political office in the Gaza Strip, for the crime of planning to carry out the attack on October 7 (Al-Aqsa storm) which led to the death of 1,139 Israels.

The weakness of the math is that, despite acknowledging the role of the Israel occupation in forming the roots of the October 7 attack, they equate the figure of 1,139 with the figure of 35,000 civilians killed in Israel's 8-month invasion of the Gaza Strip, and use the strange equation (1,139 = 35,000) as the basis for issuing They issue arrest warrants for both sides of the war.

This strange equation is told in a different tone from the perspective of Netanyahu, who by showing his cruelty in Gaza, has de-popularized the Holocaust legend: the Prime Minister of the Israel regime criticizes that he is at the bottom of the scale with Sinwar and says that Divan According to him, Israel should not have equated democracy with the perpetrators of the massacre (?) of October 7.

According to the butcher of Gaza (Netanyahu), the equation is out of balance, and in that figure, 1,139 dead Israels are shown to be greater than 35,000 Palestinian victims (1,139 < 35,000).

The position of the Prime Minister of Israel, which he expressed angrily on Monday evening, is in line with the statements of US President Joe Biden, who said in response to the request of the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, “No comparison between Israel and Hamas is conceivable.”

On Tuesday morning, Biden once again repeated this claim and said that “Israel did not commit genocide and can count on the help of the United States to eliminate al-Sanuwar.”

“Israeli Katz”, the foreign minister of the Israel regime, has established a crisis headquarters under his command to reject the decision of the criminal court. He also announced the consultation with international partners to take a stand against the court ruling.

At least until this moment, unlike the United States, France, as one of Tel Aviv's allies, has adopted a reasonable approach and avoided questioning the nature of the operation of the International Criminal Court.

Germany's position is in line with America's claim that no comparison between Israel and Hamas is conceivable.

In this regard, the French Foreign Ministry announced: “We support the International Criminal Court, its independence and its fight against impunity (from crimes).”

Of course, the Paris statement does not mean that Elysee has agreed not to take any steps in the process of exonerating the leaders of the Israel regime until the final verdict is announced.

In the meantime, Germany took a more public stance towards the request of the prosecution of the Criminal Court against Israel.

Berlin also complimented that he “respects the independence and procedures of the International Criminal Court”, but “has concerns”. Later, he explained that “submitting a simultaneous request for the issuance of an arrest warrant against Hamas leaders and two Israeli officials has led to the creation of a false sense of equality.”

Germany's protest is in line with America's claim that no comparison between Israel and Hamas is conceivable. In other words, Berlin follows the equation (1139<35000) just like Tel Aviv.

At the same time, the US Congress is outraged by the verdict of the International Criminal Court against the Israel authorities and has rolled up its sleeves to sanction this institution.

“Mike Johnson,” the Republican Speaker of the US House of Representatives, says that “in the absence of leadership from the White House, Congress is considering all options, including sanctions to punish the International Criminal Court and ensure that there are consequences for the president of this court in case of pursuing the arrest warrant of Israeli officials.” »

At the same time, this short comment has a hidden point: during the 2024 presidential elections, support for Israel has become a blackmail tool for the rival Republican and Democratic parties, and each of them accuses the other of not doing enough in this field.

Mhd Narayan

Bringing over 8 years of expertise in digital marketing, I serve as a news editor dedicated to delivering compelling and informative content. As a seasoned content creator, my goal is to produce engaging news articles that resonate with diverse audiences.

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