
Measure your body health with this simple test

Flamingo test to measure health: Do you want to live longer? Take the flamingo pose. Why it matters: Yes, you read that right. Balance is a strong indicator of our overall health and prevents us from falling and injuring ourselves, especially as we age. With the flamingo health test, you can check your health level and how much this health level affects your life expectancy. Stay with the news and health section of Chashak news magazine.

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Flamingo test to measure health

The last decades of a person's life usually witness a series of gradual limitations in the body's mechanical activity. During this period, physical strength decreases, physical fitness is disturbed, and the brain loses some of its previous accuracy. In the meantime, balance is one of the first abilities that the human body experiences weakness in in the early fifties.

It may be interesting for you to know that falling and its complications are one of the important factors of death in elderly people, so the issue of the ability to maintain balance is one of the most important things in people's health that should be given more attention. .

Flamingo test

To demonstrate the importance of balance, an international team of researchers in sports medicine carefully examined clinical data collected from a large ongoing study of exercise.

In this new study, published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, researchers asked people between the ages of 51 and 75 to stand on one leg for 10 seconds and maintain their balance. At the same time, keep your head up and your arms by your side.

20% of people who participated in this test failed. When the scientists followed up after seven years, those who failed the test were 84 percent more likely to die than those who passed.

“The one-legged stand test has been used to assess balance for more than five decades, but it was not routinely used in the clinical examination of middle-aged and older adults,” said Stur Konotsor, a medical scientist at Bristol Medical School in the UK.

One foot pose is key because we encounter it all the time in our life. Like when we get out of the car or go up the stairs.

Remember: Falls are the leading cause of injury-related death once we pass the age of 65.

Try the Flamingo Test! If you struggle with it, here are some simple ways to improve your balance.

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Ways to improve balance

Practice, practice, practice. Try to balance on one leg while holding a chair or leaning against a wall for support. Then continue your way to a standing position.

Walk or run. It strengthens your legs and brain. And as we've reported, for people over 60, walking just 7,000 steps a day can dramatically extend life.

Flamingo test to measure health

riding bike. If you can, cycling is more effective than walking, jogging or running, according to Harvard Medical School studies.

Practice Tai Chi. This ancient Chinese martial art can be light on the body and great for practicing balance. There are often affordable group classes at local parks or senior centers.

Mhd Narayan

Bringing over 8 years of expertise in digital marketing, I serve as a news editor dedicated to delivering compelling and informative content. As a seasoned content creator, my goal is to produce engaging news articles that resonate with diverse audiences.

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