Sports News

Roberto's contract will not be renewed/Atlético is the client of the Barcelona captain

According to Tasnim news agency, Fabrizio Romano, a well-known journalist in the field of football transfers, claimed that the board of directors of Barcelona club has made a final decision about the future of its captain Sarghi Roberto and does not intend to renew his contract. In this way, the Spanish defender will leave Barca as a free agent at the end of the season and this will be certain.

At the same time, Spain's Cadenaser network has announced that Sarki Roberto has already found a customer, and it seems that Atlético Madrid will start buying this 33-year-old player at the end of the season. This network has even claimed that initial agreements have been made, which of course have not been finalized, and for this reason, everything may change depending on the player's conditions until the end of the season and the offers he will receive.

Last season for Barcelona, ​​Roberto was merely a substitute player to rest the main players and often played as a central defender. This season, he was supposed to fill the place of Alejandro Balde on the left side of Barcelona's defense, but an injury that required surgery kept the player at home for three months. For this reason, he has played only 7 games (including 299 minutes) in all competitions, the last of which was in early November 2023.

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Source: Tasnim

Mhd Narayan

Bringing over 8 years of expertise in digital marketing, I serve as a news editor dedicated to delivering compelling and informative content. As a seasoned content creator, my goal is to produce engaging news articles that resonate with diverse audiences.

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