Africa News

Safari: The number of business associate positions in the African continent has increased

According to the foreign policy group of Tasnim news agency, the conference to examine the opportunities, obstacles and solutions for the development of economic relations with Africa in the form of an extraordinary meeting of the Foreign Economic Relations Coordination Headquarters on Monday with the presence of managers and representatives of public and private sectors, especially managers of important companies active in Africa. Mehdi Safari, Deputy Minister of Economic Diplomacy of Foreign Affairs, was chaired.

In this meeting, which was held with the aim of exchanging opinions and synergizing the public and private sectors to further promote the economic relations of our country with African countries and to help increase the export of technical and engineering goods and services to this continent, the Deputy Minister of Economic Diplomacy while explaining the importance and position of Africa in the foreign policy of our country, he described the African continent as a land of opportunities for Iranian companies and by announcing the full support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the embassies of our country, to economic activists and companies with the capacity to export goods and technical and engineering services in Various fields want to make efforts and seriously pursue the all-round development of economic cooperation with African countries.

Then, the director general of Africa and the director general of the Middle East and North Africa of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs each separately presented a report on the measures taken and the capacities and opportunities of their field of activity.

In the following, the head of the Iran-Africa joint chamber of commerce expressed his views on Africa and pointed out the importance of creating a business road map with Africa and the need for coordination and regular meetings between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the joint chamber of commerce and the trade development organization as the main trustees. He emphasized the facilitation and implementation of trade development policies between Iran and Africa.

He listed the most important problems facing trade with Africa as transportation issues (sea and air), guarantees, and money transfer and banking issues, and suggested that the custodian institutions hold meetings to synergize and provide practical solutions.

The representative of the Association of Exporters of Technical and Engineering Services was another speaker of this conference, who, while appreciating the support of the Deputy Minister of Economic Diplomacy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in following up on affairs and helping to obtain some construction plans for tenders in some African countries, continued exchange of views and the formation of a specialized committee for the export of services He described technology and engineering as important for finding solutions to problems and dilemmas in this field.

In the continuation of the meeting, managers of companies and institutions of the private and public sectors active in Africa also expressed their views and listed the areas of work with Africa.

At the end of the meeting, Mehdi Safari, Deputy Minister of Economic Diplomacy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, emphasized the need to change the views on Africa and pay attention to the many opportunities available in this continent for the economy of our country in various fields, including mines, fisheries and aquaculture, shipping, energy, especially renewable energies. Extraterritorial cultivation, medical and pharmaceutical cooperation, export of vaccine, serum, medicine and medical equipment, supply of live meat and livestock, export of various technical and engineering services, cooperation of industrial and scientific technology parks, export of products and productions of knowledge-based companies, cooperation in the field He emphasized the provision of technical and professional trainings and… while welcoming the proposal to form a committee with the presence of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Trade Development Organization and the Chamber of Commerce, he called for the serious efforts of all economic actors in the public and private sectors to increase trade exchanges with Africa.

The Deputy Minister of Economic Diplomacy of Foreign Affairs also stated that due to the importance of Africa for the government, the number of commercial attaché posts in this continent has increased, and asked the economic activists of the private sector to use the services of the embassies of our country to advance their economic plans.

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Mhd Narayan

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