Africa News

Sudan opposed the arrival of humanitarian aid from Chad

According to the international group Tasnim News AgencyThe Darfur region is under the control of the rapid reaction forces and the government of Sudan has officially announced: the UAE supports the rapid reaction forces and an air bridge has been established from Abu Dhabi to there, and the UAE arms aid is provided to the rapid reaction forces through Chad, so the government Sudan closed the border crossings with Chad two weeks ago and they do not allow any goods to enter.

“Ali Sadegh”, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sudan, met and talked with “Karl Skau”, Deputy Executive Director of the World Food Program, on the sidelines of the meeting of the Diplomatic Forum in Antalya (Turkey).

According to the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sudan, in this meeting SCAO requested the humanitarian aid of the World Food Program to enter Sudan through Chad, but Ali Sadegh, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, said: after it was proven that the border of Chad was used to transfer weapons to the rebel militias Rapid reaction is used. The security and stability of the country (Sudan) cannot be jeopardized anymore.

According to the Sudan Tribune newspaper, Ali Sadegh advised the World Food Program to purchase humanitarian aid from local markets to meet the needs of citizens, in addition to examining the possibility of providing aid in the agreed upon methods.

25 million Sudanese are in need of humanitarian assistance, of which 18 million are struggling with acute food insecurity.

Humanitarian organizations accuse the army and the rapid response forces of obstructing the provision of humanitarian aid to citizens, while millions of people have been displaced from their homes in search of safety, and most of them continue to live in disastrous conditions.

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Source: Tasnim

Mhd Narayan

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