Asia & Pacific News

Tajikistan's readiness to cooperate with Iran in countering terrorism

According to the foreign policy group of Tasnim News Agency, Alireza Haghigian, the ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Tajikistan, met with Yusuf Rahman, the Prosecutor General of Tajikistan, today, Wednesday, June 16.

In this meeting, Yusuf Rahman, after expressing his deep condolences and sympathies regarding the martyrdom of Ayatollah Raisi, the late president of our country and his accompanying delegation, pointed out the development of cooperation between the general prosecutor's offices of the two countries in recent years and the need to further strengthen these cooperations. Emphasized.

Referring to the recent terrorist incidents in Kerman and Moscow, he considered it important to expand the cooperation between the relevant institutions of the two countries in dealing with terrorism and extremism and announced the readiness of the Prosecutor General's Office in this regard.

The ambassador of our country described the expression of sincere condolences and deep and widespread sympathy of the high-ranking officials and the people of Tajikistan regarding the martyrdom of the service martyrs as very important and impressive, and he thanked the government and people of Tajikistan for this and added: This situation once again showed that the people Iran and Tajikistan, who share the same descent, language and culture, have always shared each other's sorrows and joys.

Referring to the recent visit of the Attorney General of our country to Tajikistan, Haghigian assessed the progress of cooperation in this sector and emphasized the need to increase this cooperation, especially in the field of dealing with terrorist groups.

Referring to the recent terrorist acts in Kerman and Moscow, the ambassador of our country stated: The Islamic Republic of Iran does not consider the perpetrators of these terrorist acts to be Tajiks, they are mercenary terrorists and agents of foreign security services, especially the United States and the Israel regime, and enemies of Iran and Tajikistan They do not believe in religion or humanity.

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Mhd Narayan

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