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Biography of Mohammad Mahdi Ahmadi, son-in-law of Mohsen Rezaei

Date of birth: 1360s

Place of birth: Tehran

Profession: CEO of Shahr Bank

Degree: Ph.D. in Economics, Department of Research Sciences, Islamic Azad University of Tehran, M.Sc. in Economics, University of Tehran, B.Sc. in Business Economics, Shahid Beheshti University

Family relationship: son-in-law Mohsen Rezaei, brother of bride Qalibaf, brother of son-in-law Rahmani Fazli

Ali Askari Biography of Iranian politician Ali Askari

Date of birth: 1337

Place of birth: Dehgh, Isfahan

Profession: Politician, military, chief executive officer, CEO of Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company

Beginning of activity: 1362 until now

Education: Bachelor of Electrical Engineering – Electronics, Master of Management, Doctor of Industrial Engineering – System and Productivity

Biography of Imamzadeh Dawood Biography of Imamzadeh Dawood in Tehran

It has been stated that he and some of his relatives came to Iran together with Imam Reza, but they were martyred in the northwestern region of Tehran. His shrine was built during the Safavid period and then expanded during the time of Fath Ali Shah.

The exact reason for the death of this imamzadeh is not known, but based on the traditions of the natives of that region, it is clear that he came to Iran at the same time as his relatives along with Imam Reza, who were also martyred at the same time as his imam, and the year of martyrdom is also 480. A.H., of course, it should be noted that this date is not exact and is only calculated based on evidence.

According to what the local people say, Imamzadeh Dawood was martyred in Kiga village, which is located near Ken village. Some relatives say that he was martyred with the help of a person named Najim Gebar and one of the dervishes of the village. From another point of view, the murderer of this Prophet is a person named Mahmoud Farahzadi.

Mhd Narayan

Bringing over 8 years of expertise in digital marketing, I serve as a news editor dedicated to delivering compelling and informative content. As a seasoned content creator, my goal is to produce engaging news articles that resonate with diverse audiences.

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