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The fastest ways to eliminate the smell of garlic in the mouth

People's tastes are different. Some people do not like eating raw garlic and onion, and others find it useful and enjoy it.

According to Al, this article is suitable for those who like to eat raw garlic and onion and at the same time are looking for ways to get rid of the smell of garlic in their mouth. If you are one of these people, stay with us.

Brush and floss after eating

Most of the bacteria that cause bad breath live under the gum line and in the plaque on the teeth. Brushing and flossing after eating onions or garlic can help remove odor-causing bacteria as well as remove food debris from the mouth.

Clean your tongue

Most people neglect to clean the tongue and the roof of the mouth, while the tongue is an ideal place for bacteria to accumulate. Bacteria grow on the back of the tongue and multiply where a toothbrush can't reach.

Using a tongue cleaner or toothbrush can remove dead skin cells, germs, and tiny food particles. To clean the tongue, start at the back and slowly work your way to the front. Then rinse the mouth. Repeat this several times until there is no trace of bacteria and food particles left on the toothbrush. You can use a tongue cleaner every day or after eating foods containing garlic and onions.

Use fresh fruits and vegetables

Eating fresh produce with or after a meal helps eliminate garlic and onion odors. For example, if you eat a meal containing garlic, eat an apple for dessert or chew fresh mint leaves.

A study has shown that the chemical compounds of raw or cooked apples, lettuce and mint make the mouth smell good. Parsley is one of the plants that have been used for a long time to reduce the smell of garlic and onions. This plant cleans the mouth and removes bad breath.

Eliminating the smell of garlic in the mouth with mint

The chlorophyll in mint removes the bad smell of garlic. Chew some mint leaves or drink mint tea. Also, rub crushed mint leaves on your hands to get rid of bad breath.

Eliminating the smell of garlic in the mouth with cardamom

The strong aroma of cardamom neutralizes the smell of garlic. Chew some green cardamom seeds. Or you can mix a glass of milk with cardamom seeds and drink it.

Drink a glass of green tea

Drinking green tea helps to eliminate the smell of garlic and onions. You can drink a glass of green tea after a meal to get rid of bad breath temporarily until you can brush your teeth.

Research has shown that green tea can prevent the growth of bacteria and reduce bad breath. In one study, green tea was more effective in reducing bad breath than other strategies such as eating mints, chewing gum, and using products containing parsley oil.

Of course, the benefits of green tea for oral health do not end with its aroma. According to researchers, mouthwash containing catechin (a beneficial compound found in green tea) can help reduce plaque as much as disinfectant mouthwash.

chew gum

Chewing mint-flavored gum eliminates unpleasant odors. It also helps wash away bacteria and food particles by stimulating the secretion of saliva. Additionally, according to the American Dental Association, chewing sugar-free gum for 20 minutes after a meal can reduce the risk of tooth decay.

Drink lemon juice

Lime juice helps to neutralize the smell of onion or garlic. To try this method, add a little fresh lime juice (about a tablespoon) to a glass of water and drink it after a meal rich in onion or garlic.

Eliminating the smell of garlic in the mouth with apples

Apples contain oxidizing enzymes that help remove the smell of garlic. Also, the phenolic compounds in apples fight against the unpleasant smell of garlic. After consuming garlic, eat an apple or drink a glass of fresh apple juice.

Eliminating the smell of garlic in the mouth with baking soda

Baking soda removes the smell of garlic from the mouth and hands. It also controls the pH level and prevents the growth of bacteria. Dissolve a tablespoon of baking soda and a little salt in a glass of warm water and rinse your mouth with this solution. You can put your hands in it for one to two minutes to remove the smell of garlic.

drink milk

Drinking a glass of milk after eating a meal full of garlic is recommended. This will reduce the concentration of sulfur-containing compounds that cause the strong smell of garlic in your mouth. To eliminate the smell of garlic, drinking full-fat milk is more effective and useful. As we mentioned in the previous content A; If you have high cholesterol, do not use milk and high-fat yogurt.

Chewing coffee beans

Coffee beans have a miraculous effect in eliminating bad odor. Although the caffeine in coffee is an important factor in making bad breath worse, you can keep coffee beans in your mouth for a short time by choosing coffee beans and chewing them. In this situation, the real effect of coffee in removing bad breath will appear. After that, you will not smell the bad smell of garlic in your mouth anymore.

drink water

Maybe you are also looking for complex solutions or strange foods to remove the bad smell of garlic in your mouth. But we must say that you should hold your hand. Just take your glass and drink a glass of cold water using the same cold tap water.

By knowing the above solutions, you can take advantage of raw garlic and onion and eliminate the bad smell caused by it.

Mhd Narayan

Bringing over 8 years of expertise in digital marketing, I serve as a news editor dedicated to delivering compelling and informative content. As a seasoned content creator, my goal is to produce engaging news articles that resonate with diverse audiences.

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