Make-up and Beauty

The miracle of beeswax for skin and hair + instruction on preparation of lotion and balm and how to use it correctly

Properties of beeswax: There are many materials and products in nature that can be useful and effective for skin and hair. Increasing awareness about natural ingredients that can be useful in skin care routines will help you to use natural ingredients directly to improve the health of your skin and hair by spending less money.

Beeswax is one of these natural substances that has been known since ancient times as one of the useful and effective natural products to fight skin problems. In this article in the makeup and beauty section of Cheshk news magazine, we will first examine the properties of beeswax for the skin, and then we will examine the methods of using this useful natural substance.


Beeswax is a natural substance that is produced by the glands in the bee's body. Bees use plant wax and flower pollen to produce beeswax and use it to shape their hive. The wax left in the beehive has many uses for humans, and this natural substance has been used for many years in the production of candles, handicrafts, various edibles, polishing household items, traditional medicine, etc.

This natural substance has a long history in therapeutic applications. In ancient Egypt, this substance was used to treat burns, joint pain, and wounds, and in traditional Chinese medicine, this substance is mentioned as a very effective substance for body health and prevention of skin aging. This useful substance is used in making cosmetics, skin care products, sunscreen products and baby products because of its unique properties for the skin.

Properties of beeswax

  • Beeswax is rich in various vitamins, including vitamin A. This vitamin increases collagen production and reduces the signs of skin aging (wrinkles). Collagen is one of the most important building blocks of the skin, and the skin needs it to repair itself.
  • Another property of vitamin A in beeswax is to protect the skin from the sun's ultraviolet rays. This is the reason why this useful substance is used in the production of some sunscreen products.
  • Due to the presence of vitamin A, beeswax can trap moisture in the skin and hair and prevent its evaporation. This property creates a protective layer on the skin. This layer preserves the moisture of the skin and, in addition, acts as a barrier between the skin and external pollution and free radicals, and neutralizes its negative effects to a large extent.
  • The property of beeswax in maintaining moisture causes this substance to have a great effect in softening the skin and hair. Cracked soles, chapped lips and other skin cracks as well as dry and rough hair can be treated with beeswax.
  • Beeswax has a long history of being used for some skin problems due to its antibacterial properties as well as various vitamins and nutrients. Also, the antiseptic properties of beeswax can help protect the skin against pathogenic microorganisms. Psoriasis, atopic and all kinds of wounds and skin sensitivities can be treated using beeswax.
  • Beeswax is a wonderful ingredient against pimples and acne. Beeswax has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can be effective in treating pimples and acne. The antiseptic properties of beeswax make it an effective home remedy for acne. In addition, retinol, which has vitamin A and is one of the most important acne treatments, is abundantly found in beeswax. Another special feature of beeswax is its non-comedogenic nature, which prevents the clogging of skin pores and the severity of acne.

Properties of beeswax

Methods of use

But how can bee wax be used to solve skin problems and increase the health and freshness of skin and hair?

You can use skin care products that contain this useful ingredient. Care products available in the market such as moisturizing creams, washing soaps, lotions and balms containing beeswax and even cosmetic products that contain beeswax can be useful for those who suffer from problems such as dry skin, cracks, etc.

Also, you can directly prepare beeswax and prepare all kinds of balms, lotions and care masks with it at home. Just remember that you have to melt beeswax to use it. The beeswax you use should be refined. You can get refined beeswax in the form of refined sheet or mold waxes, or granola (small lentil-like grains).

In this section of the article, we will explain several different recipes for direct use of beeswax and making homemade products containing this substance.

Beeswax balm for chapped lips + preparation method

One of the best solutions to solve the problem of chapped lips is to use a lip balm containing beeswax. You can buy lip balm containing this ingredient from the market or you can make your own lip balm at home. To prepare this lip balm, you need 2 tablespoons of filtered beeswax, 2 tablespoons of shea butter, 2 tablespoons of coconut oil, a clean container to pour the balm, and five to ten drops of peppermint essential oil or any other aromatic oil.

One of the methods of melting beeswax is the Ben-Marie method. In this method, the heat of steam is used to melt the wax. In this method, you should put 2 tablespoons of yellow beeswax granola, 2 tablespoons of shea butter, 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and several drops of an aromatic oil or essential oil in a heat-resistant bowl and put it in a pot. Put it in boiling water so that the ingredients melt slowly with the heat of water vapor.

In the next step, put the melted ingredients in a paper cup and fold the top of the cup to create a suitable channel for pouring the liquid into the balm container. Then, before the liquid gets cold and hard, put it slowly and carefully in the balm container and close the lid until it cools. This lip balm can be effective for dry lips as well as treating dryness in other parts of the body such as knees, back of arms, etc.

How to prepare lotion with beeswax

This wonderful natural lotion can be very useful in treating skin problems such as all kinds of skin allergies and eczema, dry skin, and keeping the skin moist after bathing. To prepare this natural lotion, you need 7 tablespoons of olive oil, seven spoons of yellow wax granola, 7 spoons of shea butter, some oil or aromatic essence, and silicone soap molds.

Pour olive oil and wax seeds into a Pyrex dish and place it in the microwave for 30 seconds. After the wax grains have melted in the olive oil, take out the container and add shea butter and aromatic oil to it and stir. Before the liquid cools, pour it into silicone molds and let them cool overnight until morning. Store lotion molds in a cool, dry place so they don't melt.

Beeswax for hair health and shine

Beeswax can make the hair softer while maintaining moisture, and also fight problems such as scalp sensitivity and dandruff and improve hair growth. To use beeswax for your hair, first melt it with a carrier oil such as almond oil, olive oil, or coconut oil and let it cool a little.

Then, while your hair is wet, dip your hands in the mixture of wax and oil and massage your hair carefully. Then tie a silk or satin scarf to your hair and leave it on your hair overnight until morning or for a few hours. To remove the wax from your hair, you can first apply warm olive oil to your hair and massage the hair until the wax is removed, then wash your hair well with shampoo and apply conditioner.


Important points in using wax

Before using beeswax on your skin, test it for allergies. You can do this by doing a patch test, which involves putting beeswax on your wrist or inner elbow for 24 to 48 hours.

Some side effects can include the following:

  • Swelling and redness of the skin
  • Itching or rash
  • feeling irritated

If you experience any of these reactions on a patch test, stop using beeswax products because you may be allergic. If you use beeswax on your face, be sure to wash it off. Removing beeswax or any product that contains beeswax from your skin is very important for the skin to breathe. Since beeswax does not dissolve in water, you may have to use oily cleansers to completely remove it from your skin.

Mhd Narayan

Bringing over 8 years of expertise in digital marketing, I serve as a news editor dedicated to delivering compelling and informative content. As a seasoned content creator, my goal is to produce engaging news articles that resonate with diverse audiences.

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