Middle East News

The nation of Iran showed its strength in the pursuit of martyrs

According to the foreign policy correspondent of Tasnim News Agency, Ali Bagheri Keni, the Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs, said today at the commemoration ceremony of martyrs of service titled “Martyrs of Ardibehesht Flight” held at the building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the month of Khordad is a month full of incidents. And the Islamic revolution is full of epics. Whether it is June 15, 1968, June 14, 1968, June 3, 1961, or June 31, 1960, this month has always been an eventful and epic month for our people.

He added: But the martyrs of Ardibehesht flight did not tolerate until Khordad came. They rushed to their god in advance and created a big incident. But the saga happened on the first, second and third of Khordad in Tabriz, Tehran, Birjand and Mashhad, and a nation with all its magnificence displayed before the whole world the power, authority and solidity of the Islamic Republic of Iran system behind the leadership of the supreme leader of the revolution.

Bagheri continued: Today we are saddened by this great calamity, but we continue to inherit the funds and savings of these loved ones with strength and pride. What a martyr Ayatollah Raisi and what a martyr Aziz Hossein Amirabdollahian.

Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs noted: The Prophet (PBUH) had two children. He gave Qasim in the way of God and also gave Ibrahim in the way of God. Today, we presented Qasim and Ibrahim of the Islamic Revolution. But we expect that just as Allah the Almighty granted him a kotsar in return for the Prophet's patience and tolerance against the loss of Qasim and Ibrahim, we expect to receive kotsar from the Almighty for the Islamic revolution.

He added: We also promise that we will be the custodians and protectors of this kotsar, and we will not be ungrateful like some people were ungrateful towards that kotsar during the reign of Hazrat Rasool. Our guarantee is the Imam's order. Hazrat Imam said, “Our people are better than the people of Hijaz during the era of Hazrat Rasool and better than the people of Iraq during the era of Hazrat Amir and Seyyed al-Shahda.”

Bagheri clarified: With this guarantee that the Imam was infallible before God Almighty, we declare our readiness to host and protect the kotsar of the Islamic revolution, and God willing, this kotsar will be the appearance of Hazrat Hojjat (A.S.).

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Mhd Narayan

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