
The root of this plant works wonders to reduce blood cholesterol + how to prepare and consume

Properties of licorice root: Licorice is a medicinal plant whose underground stem and root have medicinal uses. This magical root is an excellent source of B vitamins and vitamin E and minerals including potassium and magnesium. Licorice is also very effective for digestive diseases, weight loss, skin care and treatment of depression. In the continuation of this article, follow the health section of Cheshk news magazine in the collection of properties of medicinal plants with the properties of licorice root.

Licorice root properties

Contrary to its name, licorice is bitter, but it has wonderful properties. Licorice has long roots and licorice hedge spreads horizontally and underground. Licorice is native to Europe and Asia. Over time, this plant entered China and became an important plant in traditional Chinese medicine. Licorice is one of the flavors of food and food products.

Besides these, licorice also has wonderful healing properties. Licorice can be used to treat cough. Licorice is used in cough syrups.

The used part of licorice is the underground stems and roots of the plant, which have different compounds. The most important substance that makes licorice sweet is the compound found in the roots of the plant called glycyrrhizic acid, which has 50 times more licorice. Glycyrrhizic acid increases with the age of the plant. In this article, we will review the properties of licorice root.

Prevention of depression

A new scientific research has shown that glycyrrhizic acid found in licorice root can help in the treatment of nervousness and depression by encouraging the functioning of the adrenaline gland and reducing the level of stress and anxiety. In addition, long-term stress and the constant production of adrenaline and cortisol over time tire the adrenal glands. Licorice can give the adrenal glands some rest. Licorice root extract stimulates the adrenal glands and causes the amount of cortisol hormone in the body to be at a healthy level.

Licorice root properties

Prevention of heart diseases

Licorice contains antioxidant compounds that prevent the accumulation of fats in the walls of blood vessels and thus prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Cholesterol reduction

Among the benefits of drinking licorice water is reducing cholesterol levels in the blood by regulating bile acids in the body.

Treatment of digestive problems

Licorice is useful in the treatment of stomach problems such as gastroesophageal reflux, stomach ulcers, and also to strengthen the digestion process.

Cold and flu treatment

One of the most important benefits of drinking licorice tea is treating colds because it helps relieve sore throats and treat coughs.

Prevention of breast cancer

Research has shown that licorice juice has anti-cancer properties, especially breast cancer, by preventing the formation of cancer cells in the body.

Weight Loss

Drinking licorice tea is effective for eliminating excess fats in the body and also reducing the ratio of fats and cholesterol in the blood.

Menstrual regulation

Licorice contains estrogen-like compounds with antioxidants that regulate hormones in the body and relieve menstrual problems such as mood swings and fatigue.

Treatment of male infertility

Licorice root helps to treat erectile dysfunction and infertility in men by increasing the level of testosterone hormone and increasing the number of sperm in men..

cancer treatment

Traditional Chinese medicine uses licorice to treat various types of cancer. Some research has shown that licorice root can help treat breast cancer and prostate cancer.

Licorice and stomach acid

When licorice root is used in the form of deglycerin, it increases the secretion of mucus in the stomach and thus protects the stomach and esophagus from stomach acid. Licorice lowers stomach acid levels, reduces heartburn and indigestion, and ultimately acts as a mild anti-constipation. As the amount of stress in the body increases, stomach acid also increases, which leads to severe pain and inflammation. Licorice plays a role in reducing stress and controlling the stress hormone (cortisol), so by consuming licorice, you can control the stress hormone..

Treatment of upset stomach

Licorice extract contains glabridin and glabrone, which are flavonoids found in licorice root, which is effective in relieving stomach upset. One of the common infections of the gastrointestinal tract is Helicobacter pylori infection, which leads to gastritis, stomach ulcers, gastric ulcers, and ultimately stomach cancer.

Licorice is one of the medicinal plants used in the treatment of Helicobacter pylori infections. Glycyrrhizic acid in licorice can protect against the growth of Helicobacter pylori and can provide therapeutic effects in the symptoms of indigestion or digestive disorders. Licorice destroys stomach microbes and destroys bacteria that cause stomach ulcers.


Licorice contains glycyrrhizin and ethene detoxifies and cleanses the liver and reduces the effects of oxidative stress on the liver due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Consuming licorice root can help treat non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Treatment of low blood pressure

Drinking licorice helps to treat low blood pressure. Consuming licorice does not cause direct harm to health, but its losses are due to long-term and high consumption of it.

Side effects of excessive licorice use

Fluid retention and metabolic disorders: In some studies, people who consumed a large amount of licorice root in a two-week period experienced fluid retention and metabolic disorders.

Increased blood pressure

Consuming too much licorice for a long time may lead to high blood pressure.

licorice root


High consumption of licorice is not suitable for pregnant women and it is recommended that pregnant women avoid drinking licorice because of the increased risk of miscarriage.

Pregnant women should not consume large amounts of licorice. A study found that glycyrrhizin in licorice can damage the developing brain of the fetus and lead to cognitive problems later in life. An old study showed that high consumption of licorice during pregnancy can lead to premature birth.

How to use licorice root

Drinking licorice tea is an easy way to include licorice in your diet. Licorice is also available as chewable tablets, liquid extract, capsules, powder, and licorice extract.

To make licorice infusion, you need to grind 50 grams of licorice root without skin and pour it into a liter of boiling water and let it brew for 10 minutes. To make licorice decoction, grind 50 grams of licorice root without skin and pour it into 100 grams of water and boil until two thirds of it remains.

Mhd Narayan

Bringing over 8 years of expertise in digital marketing, I serve as a news editor dedicated to delivering compelling and informative content. As a seasoned content creator, my goal is to produce engaging news articles that resonate with diverse audiences.

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